

So, as some of you may know I am currently in college. I'll be starting my first day of classes tomorrow and I must say that I'm pretty excited. For most of my life I've been one of those weird kids that actually enjoys going to school, not just for the socializing, but the actual learning part:) It's the nerd inside me... SO I've been putting all of my thoughts and effort into gearing up for this semester. Because of that I've been neglecting other areas of my life, ie Pie N' the Sky. I promise once things start to settle down and I get situated, things will go back to normal! I still want to do an update before the Fall season and I'd also like to do another giveaway! I haven't forgot about you I promise!! Here's something pretty to make up for it.

Sweet Dreams to all! Melisa

Etsy Tuesday Treasures.

I spend all week gathering some of my most favorite Etsy items. I think it's one of my favorite posts to do:) Here are some of the lovelies I came across this week.
This beautiful recycled train case by Recycled Vintage
is pretty special.

This fabulous floral bib by Garden of Whimsy is
just amazing.

I've wanted this tall pouch by Track and Field for
 QUITE some time. Isn't it the cutest!?
This headband by Lou and Lee is just darling!
And that's all for now. Hope you have a lovely day with filled with beautiful and exciting things!!

loveloves. Melisa


Out and About

I have been movin movin movin! But thank goodness I am finally settled in!! I'm still doing a couple final touches on the room, but once I do, I plan to do a full post filled with lots of pictures:) I know I've been MIA for quite sometime, but I didn't want you to think I had forgotten about you. I also know that I am quite behind on Project Thirty entries. I fully intend on updating everything in these next few days. :)

xo. Melisa


A little somebody

So, for the last few years I have really wanted a little somebody in my life. And by that I mean a baby. No, I'm not saying that I personally want  a baby, I just really want one  in my life. I have married friends and lots of family, but not a baby in site. I want to make little tiny headbands and knit teeny baby booties. I just like little things that are cute and fun and who better to make things like that for, then a baby! So, for those of you that are so fortunate to have a baby in your life, there is the sweetest online class going on! It's called Small Craft and it's by the lovely Elsie Flannigan and Rachel Denbow. They are SO inspiring and simply brilliant at their craft. This class looks super sweet and fun. You should go check it out!!

xo. Melisa



I just updated Project Thirty!! I apologize for missing two days. I just got so swept up in everything else I kinda... forgot! Ooops! I'll be better. 
So, there's a lot going on in the shop. For one, we're having a mini update very soon! I'm currently working on my Fall Collection and I'm getting pretty excited^_^ Is there anything in particular you would like to see in the shop?? 
I'm also thinking of doing another giveaway here in the next week. I'll give you more details as soon as I put all of my thoughts together.
We will also be having more guest bloggers this season and I'm very excited to introduce them to you! As I said, there are A LOT of things going on in the shop!!
Now, I've recently discovered Lookbook.nu Which, how this was kept a secret from me for so long is beyond me! But here are some of my favorite looks...

Aren't they so much fun?? I just love those ruffled socks! What are your favorite new trends? 

xo. Melisa


DIY: Pom Love

I haven't done a DIY in quite sometime, so I decided to document one that I'm actually creating for my room. I will soon be moving into my dorm room and I wanted to add a little extra something to make it feel like home. I love love poms! I think they're pretty and they're fun to make too :) 

Tissue paper {at least 8 sheets}
Fishing wire / thread

Step 1. Gather your sheets of tissue paper. They should be longer than they are wide. Any size will do... the bigger the paper, the bigger the pom {obviously}

Step 2: Begin to fold up your paper like an accordion. It should be about an inch long fold...

Step 3: Fold your paper in half. Cut the ends into points or round them. Then take your wire and fold it over the center portion, use your scissors to tighten the end of the wire around itself.

Step 4: Slowly begin to pull out each tissue layer one by one and pull them to the center {where the wire is} Continue to do this until you have a ball shape.

Step 5: Voila!! You have yourself a pom! You can now tie your fishing wire or thread to the wire, so that it can be hung :)

This is a picture of what your poms will look like once hung... I would show you mine, but I haven't moved into my dorm yet... This is a photo from PomLove's shop. I think these are just wonderful. I love the colors!! 

I'll show you how mine turn out when I give you a home tour:) Until then, enjoy these lovelies. Please feel free to share your comments and pictures of how your poms turn out! 

Night. Melisa

Style Crush: Capes

I am really in love with capes right now. I cannot wait until Autumn so that I can find and wear one of these beauties!!

Aren't they just lovely?? I think they're pretty magical myself...

xo. Melisa

Etsy Tuesday Treasures.

I didn't forget... I was just very very busy. I'm working on getting quite a number of things accomplished, so yesterday I threw myself into "to do's". I will probably do the same today, but before I do I wanted to be sure to let you know that you were not forgotten :) Enjoy!

This lovely traincase by TheFancyLamb.
I've always wanted one!
This Beautiful journal cover by scotatto is SO sweet!

This perfect bag by Kibber is something I've wanted for
quite some time! It's a messenger AND backpack!

This CUTE neckwarmer by Ayca is so perfect for Autumn.
I want one just like it :)
This turned out to be more like Autumn Treasures... I guess I have Fall on the brain :) I am pretty excited for the season to change! I just love warm colors, tights and caramel apple spice!! Okay, now I'm reeeally excited!

xo. Melisa


Music Monday

So I've decided to share with you all some of my favorite songs :) This is my current playlist for when I'm creating... I usually change it every few weeks, so until I create a new one... enjoy! This one's incredibly inspiring!!


In my Purse

I'm jumpin on the blogwagon and sharing what's inside my purse! This is the first time of done this, so don't be too hard on me... It's actually significantly tidier than it used to be :)

1. Sunglasses and sunglasses! I like options:)
2. Way too many keys
3. Yummy flavored lipgloss; including my favorite m.a.c. lipgloss
4. Sharpie pen/Cupcake pen
5. Wasabi tape, because it's necessary
6. My new baby! This camera takes up like half my purse!! I'm still working on getting used to it.
7. My coin purse that serves as my wallet
8. Tissue
9. My Liberty of London little idea book
10. Lovely smelling lotion. MMM:)

And that's that! A little peek into my purse :)
xo. Melisa


The sweetest thing I ever did see

Oh my goodness gracious! I came across these lovely photos today at Mila's Daydreams. It's one of the sweetest blogs I've seen in quite some time! Here are some of my favorite shots...

I love her creativity and think these photos are SO inspirational. Be sure to visit her blog and check out the other shots^_^
xo. Melisa

A little music

I love Brooke!! And I cannot wait for her new album! I've had this song, "Something in the Water," on replay all morning :)

Oh by the way...

I got bangs! I finally decided to just go for it!! I'm still getting used to them, but I'm pretty sure I like them...

Good Morning.

I'm going to eat breakfast and then I'll be back to give you a proper post:) Just wanted to say hi and that I'm excited for today. I'm going to be filling you in on all of the shop news and also some exciting things taking place here at le blog! Don't forget to head over to the Project Thirty page and get started on your entry; it's kind of an all day thing!

xo. Melisa


A kind of vacation

So as you could tell, I haven't been around much. It appears as though I may have slipped into a mini vacation. ha! I came to visit my sister here in Austin and we've been having so much fun together that I haven't kept up with a lot of my "duties." Eeep! No worries though, I'm back on top of things :)
I have to practice my songs and get ready for one of the most important exams in my college career! and then I'm going to make a giant cupcake^_^ I hope it looks as yummy as these...

xo. Melisa

PS: I updated Project Thirty {including the one I missed!}


Door Hangers!

I just posted new items in the shop. They are indeed, door hangers! I think they're hopelessly sweet and I already made one for my door! I'll be updating again this week so keep your eye out^_^

xo. Melisa

Etsy Tuesday Treasures.

This handsome little fox by Sleepy King is too cute!

I love this ukulele by Celentano Woodworks

This bag by Sarah Culleton is to die for!

This frame by Amye123 is SO pretty.

I'll be back later to share some new pretties I made. They're a brand new product! Eeep! I'll be adding them to the shop tonight^_^

xo. Melisa


Winner of "Madly in Love"

And the winner iiiiiiiss........

Congratulations Paulina!! Please send me an email with your shipping information. And a big thank you to everyone who participated along with your kind responses^_^ I'm hoping to do at least one more giveaway before the school year begins. Thanks again!! Don't forget to checkout todays Project Thirty entry.

xo. Melisa