
The Royal Wedding

Of course I watched the royal wedding! Did you?? It was like a Disney movie... The dress was amazing and the whole thing like every girl's dream come true. It seems like everyday someone is either getting married or engaged. haha. Can't wait til my day comes^_^



Home Sweet Apartment: Living Room

I really love cozy living rooms. I think the living room is my most favorite room in all the house, because it's the place where you not only have gatherings with your loved ones, but also the room where you can spend quality time with just another, or where you can watch silly shows by yourself or with a best friend that will share your secrets. I love the living room, so I want it to be warm and inviting, but still fun and clean. I love color and creative/inspiring pieces; I think this collection reflects that. I should also note that all of these items were found via Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters. Let's begin the tour!
I don't approve of the killing of animals and certainly not for the sake of decor, so this cardboard alternative is just perfection. I know for certain that this couch is my most favorite of all the ones I've come across. I really want to save up for it!
I love these curtains because I'm a fan of warm light {because white light gives me migraines} so this cream color is perfect perfect.
This seems more appropriate for more of a gender neutral look. Maybe a mix of this and the teal??
I think this little collection is a mix of both worlds and I must say I love it! That little side table is too cute! I'd love to try and make a lampshade like that one; it's so pretty.
I looove pillows and throws; which surprisingly, I don't have any in here:( oops! Which one is your favorite? 
Rugs are fun if you want to add a little facelift to your room. I like these because they're not overpowering, but they provide more of an accent. The one on the left is perfect for the Mr. He is ever forgetful, but I suppose it's part of his charm^_^
 This would be for more of an entranceway. I reeeallyy like that chalkboard situation. For my to-do's!
This mint is the perfect accent to the brighter teal couch and it ties in the same look of the leather couch; in other words it's perfect. Don't you just love that birdcage lamp?? It's pretty magical.

That's my dream living room; well, something like that. I really like those colors as well as style. My one thing I can't live without piece: Teal Couch



Introducing: Home Sweet Apartment

I believe it's the little things that really make a house a home; you know, the little details that make it warm and inviting. I thought since I will be moving into a little apartment soon {next semester} that I would think up a list for my "dream" apartment. Though I will be lucky to get one or two of these items, it's still fun to dream right?? And, since this list is extra long, I've decided to turn it into a series entitled, "Home Sweet Apartment" and split it into a few sections: Bedroom, Living Room, Kitchen and Bath. I wanted to give y'all a little sneak peek! Hope you enjoy^_^



I love to do lists. I love being able to set a goal and accomplish it; even if it's something small like cleaning my room. Well, I set a goal to study hard and make it through my finals and while I'm not completely through, I did finish four of them aaaand I got an A on all of them SO I decided to reward myself with new nail polish! I know it might sound silly, but little rewards like that really keep me motivated, especially when I feel like stress might just kill me. Tonight I'm painting my nails, turning in a conducting video and catching up on my shows^_^ Do any of you have a reward system??



Pattern Crush: Scallops

I just love love scallops! Aren't they so pretty? I love how they look like fish scales, but not in like a weird way! ha! I'd like one of each of these please...


Tuesday Treasures

looooving this hat

I will never get enough of triangles^_^

Wow. This organizer is perfection.

Where could I wear this dress?? It's so pretty!

Oh hi there bear!

Today I'm moving all of my treasures into a storage space, since I'll be moving on Friday. I just made my first trip to my storage unit and as I was unloading my things, the man with the unit next to mine offered me his coffee table! It's really pretty and I quickly said please and thank you^_^ Sometimes people's kindness amazes me. It made me want to go give something to a random stranger; I just love blessing people! Now to study for more finals and pray these next few days doesn't kill me! I have a concert tonight and then a little chorale party and then of course more studying. sheesh. OH and just a reminder, I'm announcing the giveaway winner on Friday! So be sure to go sign up below!!



Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend was pretty exciting!! It included quite a lot of animals... which I am totally alright with^_^

Friday: I went over to my voice teacher's house and rode a horse! You can read more about that here.

Saturday: I went to eat sushi with some friends to celebrate our friend Robien's birthday!! It was delicious and it was also exciting to go do something fun for awhile, instead of school stuff... 

Sunday: It was Easter!! Our church had it's very own petting zoo with a zebra! Yep, our church is pretty much amazing^_^ I had a blast petting and holding all the cute baby animals...
I was about ready to run off with that baby goat!! It kept cuddling with me and it was the sweetest!! OH and I also held a baby pig, but there aren't any pictures... It squealed/screamed the entire time, but it was the cutest thing! eee! After our church Easter extravaganza, the Mr. and I went and had ourselves an Urban Day!! I got some great deals at Urban Outfitters and can't wait for it to stop being so cloudy outside so I can wear my new dress! How was your weekend??


Oh hi there

Isn't this print magical?? Yeah, I thought so too. Kelli Murray is pretty wonderful. Take a look for yourself^_^
I'll be back later to share a little weekend wrap up!



Sponsor Pie N' the Sky in May??

Would you like to be a sponsor for Pie N' the Sky in May?? You can and you should^_^ If you'd like to get more info you can go here, or if you'd like to go ahead and purchase your spot you can go here! Feel free to email me with any questions you may have: melisaholguin{at}gmail{dot}com 
Spots are filling up pretty fast! Can't wait to hear from you!!


I love... Horses

Today I got to go over to my voice teacher's home for a small get together. And after a delicious dinner and a few laughs,  I got to ride her horse!! I haven't ridden a horse since I was a kid and it was pretty amazing! I think they are such beautiful animals and we got along well^_^
I must admit I was pretty nervous at first, but once I got the hang of it I decided that I loved riding!! I want to do it again, and soon hopefully! Do you like horses? I couldn't get over how pretty they were.


Sponsor Love Giveaway: April

Giveaway Item: Born to Create Necklace

Giveaway Item: Original Painting: "Up"

Giveaway Item: Sadie the Springtime Owl

All of these items are so cute!! I love my sponsors^_^ Entering to win one of these wonderful prizes is easy... First, leave a comment with your name and email. Then, go take a peek at these sponsor's blogs/shops. If you're feeling extra nice, then you'll leave them a kind comment! For an extra bonus entry you can...
*Become a Pie N' the Sky follower
*Blog about this giveaway 
*Tweet about this giveaway (@Melisashell is having a lovely Sponsor Giveaway over at Pie N' the Sky!! http://pienthesky.blogspot.com/)

Easy Peasy! I'll announce the winner in one week, the 29th! Hope you have a good Good Friday^_^  



Warby Parker

I heard about this company a few months ago and with my terrible memory, I forgot all about it. Luckily I came across it again and just had to share! Alright, so do you like cute glasses? I do! And I really like vintage looking glasses. You know what I like even more than that? Cheap vintage looking glasses! You  know what I like eeeeven mooore than that?? Cheap vintage looking glasses that benefit people in need! Geeze, I'm excited! SO this company, Warby Parker, sells vintage inspired glasses and with every pair purchased, they donate a pair to someone in need. It's a beautiful thing.
Here are a few of the one's I'm interested in! I need your help though, which do you like best?? For my face...
OH and I forgot to share the best part {well, another great part...} They will send you Five pairs to try on and hold on to for five days, get your friends and family's opinions, and then have you ship the four you don't want back and keep the one's you want! All for only $95; which in my opinion is pretty great considering you're really buying two pairs {one for you, one for someone in need} I love this and I'm pretty sure here in the next few weeks I will be doing this. I'll be sure to get your feedback once I get my five in the mail^_^

I hope I look as cute as this girl^_^ hehe. Hope you had a wonderful Tuesday! And in case you haven't seen the update in the shop, you should hop on over and take a peek! 
