

Please forgive the look of the blog for the next few hours. We're undergoing a few new edits so it'll be back to pretty very soon!! Thanks for understanding^_^


I love... Camera Apps!

Over the last few months I've had a number of people ask about my photos and what I use to edit them. For the majority of my photos taken with my camera, I use Photoshop. However, I also take advantage of my nifty iphone to take some great shots too! I thought I'd create a list of my camera apps that I find most useful. 

There are tons to choose from, but I've chosen a few of my favorites to share with you. I have an entire page on my iphone devoted just to my cameras. I have about 20. eee! 
<< Instagram >>
This one is great because it gives you multiple ways to edit your photo AND you can share them on other social networking sites. I also love that it's kind of like Twitter, in that you can follow other peoples photos.

<< Hipstamatic >>
This app is fun because it deals with primarily a lomo look. you can buy several different films, lenses and other effects to change the look of each photo.

<< Quadcamera >>
I like this one because it catches four different photos. I love the look of the photos and the fact that you can change the time frame in which each photo is taken.

<< Lo-Mob >>
This app is extra fun because there are about 40 different filters. They're all completely different and real fun to play with^_^

<< Picture Show >>
This app is a lot of fun because not only does it offer filters, you can also change the style, add text, share, as well as other neat stuff.

<< Toy Camera >> 
This app has some fun effects that can vary every time you take a photo; so it's like a surprise every time!

<< Shake it Photo >>
I like this app because it's like an old polaroid camera. Once you take the photo, you can shake the camera to help it develop. I like how rich the colors in the photo turn out.

Those are a few of my faves, but I also like: old camera, retro camera, diptik, molopix and tilt shift. Hope you find this handy in case you're looking for some new camera apps. Let me know which you end up liking the most OR if you have one I didn't mention! ^_^



Girl Talk: The Teacher

Kelsey and I have only been friends for a short while, but I can tell you that in the few months that we've known each other she has already become one of my very best friends and a huge inspiration to me. She is full of love and life, she is a generous friend and oh so very talented. She has recently begun her journey in the blogging world on Gingham and Lace where she focuses on her sewing adventures. I trust that you will be inspired by what she has to share.

What is your job title?
I am a Theatre teacher, which I have to say, is the best job anyone could have! I have the opportunity every day to influence students lives with theatre, art and culture and also for some of them be the only adult in their lives that cares about them. To me that’s an incredible gift and I love going to work every day!

What do you love about yourself?
I love my ability to see potential. I can look at a dress or a lamp or even a student and see what it can become. I love this way of looking at things because it opens up so many more opportunities; it creates limitless possibilities. When you realize that you don’t have to accept something the way it is currently you suddenly have an opportunity to create something that is uniquely you and exactly what you had envisioned. That’s how you end up with truly unique pieces that people will rave about!

Who is your role model?
Recently I’ve been able to get to know my pastor’s wife more and I have to say that she is such an example of how I want to live my life. She is an amazing wife, mother and woman of God. She has true character, which you don’t always find in our world today and I hope to have a life that is built on biblical truths, and faith as hers is. She’s also super stylish and sings like nobody else I know!

What inspires you?
I get inspired when I’m around others that are creative as well. Creative energy is infectious and all of my friends are insanely talented so it helps me stay inspired and focused on creating art and beautiful things!

What are five words that describe you?
Ambitious, a thinker, loving, imaginative, faithful

What is your biggest insecurity?
My biggest insecurity would definitely have to be my weight, I’ve struggled with feeling beautiful and worthy because of the way that I look but I definitely think I’m making progress. That is one of the reasons that I’ve recently started my blog Gingham & Lace. I thought confronting one of my biggest fears, pictures of myself, everyday would help me see that I am beautiful and creative and worthy of all the things that I want to accomplish in my life.

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
I would definitely want to be Sutton Foster. She is one of my biggest Broadway idols. She has an incredible voice, she’s funny and smart and her approach to acting is so thoughtful. I would love to be her for a day and experience getting up at 10:00 am, having breakfast at the corner diner in NYC and heading to the Broadway theatre for makeup and hair. Performing to a sold out audience, signing autographs afterward and knowing that you just inspired some little girls dream for her life and sparked this love of Theatre and culture. That would be amazing!

Blog // Twitter

She's just great! You can visit her blog and get to know her better; she often writes about fashion, sewing diy's and her boyfriend. Fun stuff, I know you'll enjoy! Hope you're having a wonderful Wednesday and I can't wait to share with you some very exciting news!! Hop on by later to hear about it^_^



Some Summer Goals

As the Summer is literally flying by, I find myself needing/wanting to set some goals for myself. They are as follows:

Practice piano
Get the blog/shop in tip top shape
Wear more sundresses while I still can
Participate in at least one craft show
Finish my internship 
Write a song; preferably a pretty one 
Go on dates with my Mr.
Read at least two books
Eat a lot of watermelon
Hold more puppies
Find more things for my soon-to-be apartment
Spend time with people I love, while I still have time on my hands

When I go back to school, I know that life will be so different. As it will be my final semester, I'm sure I will be stressed and overwhelmed. I really want to take advantage of this Summer. It's really my last Summer; as in, after this Summer I'll have a real job without Summers off, this is my last two months of freedom, basically. ha! I'm not dramatic at all. 

Here are some of the things I have accomplished...

Gone on fun spontaneous dates with the mr.
Taken a few road trips
Seen my sister/mom/dad
Started a really fun internship
Grown my readership to over 300 followers! (I love you all so much ^_^)
Introduced fun new features to le blog
Added pretty new bows to the shop
Gone to Six Flags
Preached a message for our youth group
Made new friends
Taken up hot yoga

I know it might not seem like a whole lot, but it makes me feel a little less lame, knowing I've accomplished a few fun things! I love productivity, ha! I'm a nerd. Thanks for letting me share. I'm done now. What are some of your Summer goals??



What You've Missed

I was going through my phone and noticed there were quite a few photos I hadn't shared. I'm gonna go ahead and wrap up the weekend with these and share some bad news. Bad news first then happy pictures second. SO while I was at Joann's Fabrics, I slipped and fell in a puddle of water. It was both terribly embarrassing and very painful. They had to call the manager and file a report and I have to go to the doctor today to get checked out. Pray everything goes okay, I'm mostly just really sore and I'd rather there not be some life threatening thing going on inside my body. I'll let you know how things go... Now onto happy photos!

Thursday the Mr and I had a day date. He took me to get snow cones and play with puppies! I was as happy as a clam. That little pup I'm holding above was one of the sweetest little dog I've ever met. He just melted when I held him. Sigh. 

We went to a Rangers game with one of our friends and got to sit in the box suite of one of the owners! It was really nice; catered and all!

Friday and Saturday I was out at the campgrounds helping Elisha and his media team take care of some things before the youth camps actually kick off; which is happening today! I made goody bags filled with snacks, candy and energy drinks for his team. The photo above shows some of the banners Elisha designed. He's so talented.

The camp will have a store where they can sell merchandise and other fun camp things. This year they designed the store to have an UO feel to it. I got to set up all the pieces and also decorate!! It was fun and it looked so good before I left. I haven't seen how it looks completely done, but I'll share once I do! 

The Mr took me for a golf ride tour of the grounds and it is absolutely amazing. There's actually water-slides, like water park water-slides... They have jet skis and a blob; it's awesome!

And that was my weekend. I don't have too much planned for this week. I was supposed to go to Austin to visit Adrienne, but now I have to go to the doctor. lame. Though, she may come to visit me now^_^ Either way, I hope you have a splendid afternoon and we'll chat again soon!



Winner Announced

So I wrote this post yesterday and completely forgot to post it. Boo. I apologize, but without further ado, here is this month's Sponsor Love Winner!

Thank you all for participating. Here in the next week we will be having thee best giveaway that Pie N' the Sky has ever hosted. You really don't want to miss it, like really though... don't miss it ^_^



Urban Taco

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned to you all a little thing I like to call "Urban Day." In case I haven't, let me refresh your memory... Urban Day is when the Mr and I drive to an outdoor mall in Dallas and shop at Urban Outfitters and then eat at Urban Taco. It's the perfect mix and it's our little tradition. It's quite a little drive to get there so when we get to go, it's a special date day.

They have some of the tastiest salsa. And it's just the right amount. If you live in the area, you should definitely go try it out.

Have you checked out the new bows n' things in the shop?? You should. I am going to go help the Mr out at the campgrounds. He has moved there for the next five weeks to help out and I'm gonna go paint today :) I hope you all have a lovely weekend.



Calling all sponsors

Hi. I can't believe June is almost over. Whoa! I feel like Summer is just kicking into high gear and taking off. The only good thing about June coming to an end is that I get to say hello to some brand new sponsors. eee! One of those sponsors could be you; and I hope it will be! July is going to be filled with such exciting things. We will continue with our new features like Summer Style and Girl Talk. You can expect more What I Wore posts and plenty of photos {as usual} July is going to be a great month to get in on the action^_^ For more info, visit my sponsor page and to purchase a spot, you can go to the shop. Please note that spaces are limited and have already started to fill up. I look forward to working with you!

OH, and in case you haven't seen yet, there are new bows in the shop!! I'd like to give you all a little treat too, so use the code "lovebows" to receive 10% off!


What I Wore

 Jeans: Forever 21
Shirt: Urban Outfitters
Shoes: Urban Outfitters
Necklace: gifted

I wore this outfit on a date with my Mr, while we were in Houston. We took these just before we left, in my parent's pretty backyard. I like that it's simple, but still fun with a statement necklace.

PS: I'm going to be updating the shop today, if you'd like to stop by later and take a peek. Have a sweet day friends!



Girl Talk // The Fashionista

This week we have the pleasure of chatting with Jennifer of Jennifer Marie Photography. I met Jennifer in college; and over the past year or so, we've become great friends through the beautiful world of social networking sites. ha! She is gorgeous, talented, and way inspiring. You know those people you look at and just think, "they're going to be famous." Well, that's Jennifer! I know you're going to fall in love with her.

What is your job title?

I am the sole owner and lead photographer of Jennifer Marie Photography, LLC. I specialize in weddings, but do a little bit of everything else too. Fashion, Portrait, Photojournalism, Landscape... You name it! My business went international this year as I was honored to photograph a May wedding in London, England. I currently live in the ever exciting city of Los Angeles, Califonia and am slowly finding my way in this big ole world. :)

What do you love about yourself? 

I love my imagination. The place I feel most at home is there - wishing and dreaming a world of the beautiful things I hope one day will become my real life. 

Who is your role model? 
Oh, wow. I have had so many different role models. My family is amazing, and I would have to say the person I look up to most is my sister, Melissa. She is one of the few people in my life I know will always, always, always love me no matter what - and real love is a bond that is hard to come by these days. Melissa has a beautiful spirit and is deeply passionate about everything she does. She has a lion-heart personality, a never-say-die attitude, and has taught me so much about standing up for and believing in myself. 

What inspires you? 
Love inspires me. Not the cliche, way overused, careless love that is thrown around, but the stop your heart, make you melt, tell-me-that-story-again kind. Soul mate love, friendship love, family love, love that spends time caring for the down trodden and less fortunate... It all inspires me to live for a bigger purpose. I have a tattoo on my left arm that says, "3:14" and it represents the third chapter, fourteenth verse in the book of Colossians from the Bible. The previous verses urge Christians to clothe themselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, longsuffering and forgiveness, culminating in the fourteenth verse, which reads: "...And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity." (NIV). Every day this verse reminds me that just as my clothes are a statement about who I am, my actions are a statement about what I value most... and I want to live a life in love.

What are five words that describe you?
Romantic, Headstrong, Creative, Whimsical, and Loving.

What is your biggest insecurity? 
I never felt very "liked," if that makes sense. I haven't had a lot of friends, any exceptional beauty or any exceptional talent. In fact, I often suffer from the gross disease of feeling average. Blech. This insecurity, you could call it, has manifested itself in a number of ways throughout my life. In junior high, I hid behind glasses and crooked teeth, unwilling to really befriend anyone. In high school, it was anorexia and perfectionism all around. I thought if I could "look the part" of a happy girl, I would become one. In college, I would lose my identity in different relationships, because I thought if I could find one person to really love and accept me the way I am, I could learn to do so as well. Of course none of those things solved the bigger problem, and I began to search for the lost piece of my heart. In the past year and a half, I have been on a tough journey, trying to find my identity and self worth in Jesus Christ. Some moments, days, and weeks are harder than others, but I know that the Love my Savior has for me is the real thing, and he has given me Grace to overcome the things I don't fully understand.

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be? 
Eeeeeee, I would be an animal. (Am I allowed to say that?) A cool kind of dog (Alaskan Husky), or perhaps a lion. Anyway, it would be nice to gain perspective from a more care free individual... I would revel in my simplicity and surely take time to laugh at how frantically busy the humans look. ;)

Wow, just wow. This girl is so so inspiring. I know that her words have moved me and I have no doubt that she has helped us see a little bit of ourselves in her struggles and find hope in her words of encouragement. I love this girl. If you haven't quite had your fill yet, you can follow the links below to see Jenny elsewhere

Website //  Tumblr // Twitter // Facebook


A Show

The other day my friend Branden had a show. It was a fundraiser to help help raise money for an upcoming bike ride he'll be taking. It's for a great cause and you can read more about it here. Alongside him is Jacob, Kalli's boyfriend. Whom, I just realized I did not introduce you to. boo. They did a pretty great rendition of colors of the wind, along with countless other favorites^_^  I'm so proud of my friends; they're so talented.

Yep, pretty great, ha! Hope you're having a lovely start to your week. I just got back from a little pool time and now it's back to crafting. I'm hoping to do an update this week! eep! So long friends.
