

Eeeeep! It's here it's here! Spring, that is. Or at least it
finally feels like it's here. It was in the 80's today and it
sure did feel nice... especially because I got to have class
outside! Under beautiful trees with the breeze just light
enough to feel it in your hair and sun shining warm on
your cheeks! It was delightful to say the very least. Here
are some of my favorite spring things...

1. Riding bikes!

2. Pretty Spring photos:) I just want to be outside all day!

3. Kittens... um, I know they exist every season, but i'm
reminded of their sweetness in the Spring^_^

4. Flowers! Of course, we can't forget flowers...

5. And lastly, traveling... ie end of school!!

Can I just say that I am so so excited for the Pi N' the Sky
shop update!? It's Saturday at 6pm. All things Spring and
pretty new looks! Be excited! And in case you haven't
heard, there's a new FB group that you can and should
join:) You'll get all the latest updates and news. Here's the

Thank you and have a nice night!

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