
Bye for now.

I'm about to leave to Dallas and i'm super excited. I
promise to bring back lots of stories and tons of pictures!!
I hope you're weekend is just lovely^_^

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that Pie N' the Sky is
featured in the etsy Storque Main Showcase... check it
out! Annd next week it'll be in the main showcase. Okay
that's all. See you soon!




Good morning friends!
So as many of you know i've been
school{ing} quite a lot lately... well, I
finished my first exams! And so to treat
myself, i'm going to the mall:) I'll also
be getting one of these....

And of course i'll be stopping off at a craft store to get
some lovely things to work on for my ride to Dallas this
weekend. It's my sweet cousin's high school graduation.
The Mr. will be there too and the whoooole family. I'm
not sure if you're aware of this, but Mexican families are
quite large so for us all to be gathering, it's quite the big
deal. Lot's of fun will be had and since there's no telling
how much time i'll have I want to say in advance that I
might not see you til Monday. My apologies.
But here's something pretty for you to feast your eyes on!

Bye Sweet Friends,


Good Day!

Hello hello! Did you all enjoy our guest blogger?
I personally loved it. The Mr. actually has his own blog
in the works and the moment it's ready, i'll share the link:)

I hope you all are having a lovely day filled with sunshine
and excitement!!

I've spent my morning taking an exam and reading...
and later I have to go ship out some Pie N' the Sky orders:)
Just wanted to say hi before I did. Be back later with a
little more fun.

Toodles. Melisa


Allow me to introduce myself...

Hey guys! It's Elisha...better known to you as "The Mr." I'm so honered to be able to guest blog for Pie N' the Sky and the wonderful, sweet, and talented Melisa.

I recentley returned from a fun filled weekend with Melisa and what will one day be the "inlaws". We ate, enjoyed the finale of Lost, shot a few guns (like good constitutional Americans), lounged and ate some more. Here are few pictures of my time in Houston with the girlfriend.

My first "Shawarma". If you haven't ridden that train you need to get on it...it's like a Mediterranean fajita!

Enjoying some sushi at "Todai"

Real Women shoot guns... and knit!
I REALLY like bubble tea
Cute couple
Just wanted to give you a look at our weekend together. Unfortunatley I had to make the trek back to DFW leaving the girl to fend for herself in Houston...but good news we'll be seeing each other next weekend.

Although I'd love to be able to leave it at that my unique opportunity to be your guest blogger leaves me with a sense of responsibilty to share something I continue to learn and was reminded of this weekend. Here it goes...if this weekend showed me anything it's that relationships are so much about giving. Now because you're light years ahead of me in your knowledge of how this whole thing needs to work you already knew this, but if I could remind you...don't ever stop giving in your relationships (romantic, family or friend relationships). Don't stop giving attention, or time, or affection or even gifts. I think some of the happiest relationships are those people who have learned to be constant givers. I'm not sure how many male readers we have here, but it's never about how many dinners you buy or puppies you give (well for some girls it is) but simply that you continue to give. If you learn to be a giver in
your relationships, I can promise health and great return on those investments.

Thanks for the opportunity to be here with you today guys.

Hope you have a great day!


P.S. If you're not an official follower of Pie N' the Sky
you should become one today.

A dash of inspiration...

Just wanted to say good morning with a bit of inspiration.
I have a pretty busy day ahead of me, so just wanted to
say a quick hello!
Don't forget we have a guest blogger later today, so be
sure to check back!!

love love love!!


I'm Back!!

Hi. Remember me?? I'm sorry I went away for four whole days! I have a good excuse though! My Mr. was here! And it was his first time visiting me here so we had a lot of things planned... Fortunately for you though, you can hear all about it from my Guest Blogger!! And of course it's none another than Mr. Garcia himself:)

He'll be stopping by to say hello, tomorrow afternoon! Can't wait!
Now, since I left you for so long I figured i'd give you even more good news! I will be announcing a new giveaway next week and it's gonna be a good one! I will also be posting a Pie N' the Sky update next week too!! It's gonna be a pretty busy week:) I was also thinking of posting a DIY... would that be fun?? I think so^_^ I'll give you more details as the time gets closer.
I hope you all have been good and I hope you enjoyed the season finale of lost. I must say it was not what I expected. I wasn't disappointed, just not satisfied. It was kind of a big deal to me, considering
I gave it over 150 hours of my life... And now it's allll over :( What ever will I do on Tuesday nights now?? Make pretties I suppose:)
Okay I have to get back to school stuff... Did I mention how not fun this stuff is? Cause it's not.

x's and o's,


School Daze.

Well i've had no fun today. I woke up
in the early morning and went straight
to school (online). I had a lot of catching
up to do, so i've been school{ing} for
the last eight and a half hours! Blarmy.
And it was history, one of my least
favorites. Just had to get away to say hello.
Hope you're day was less school and more fun:)



Shop Update

Here are some new products up in the Pie N' the Sky shop

Whoa! It's been kind of a whirlwind of a
morning what with giveaway and update...
now i'm just going to relax and make
something pretty:) Oh and I think I decided
what my next giveaway is going to be...
it'll be pretty of course^_^


Drum Roll Please...

It's finally giveaway time! Are you ready to hear who won??

Congratulations Stephanie Olson and a big thank you to
everyone who participated!
I'll be having a lot more giveaways this summer and will
actually be posting another one this week:) Hope you all
are having a lovely day. I'll be back with some inspiration




We had so much fun and cannot wait to go again next year! In other news, tomorrow is the shop update! Come by and check it out at 2pm:) I hope you all had a beautiful day! And i'll see you in the morning. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that I will be announcing the giveaway winner tomorrow at 12pm!! Still not too late to sign up^_^



Sneak A Peek!

Well Hello!

We went and had a mini photo shoot today
and it was so much fun!{in spite of the heat}
Thought you'd like to sneak a little peek:)

These are all apart of my Bloom collection.
I hope you like. You can purchase these in
my next update Wednesday May 19th at 2pm!!
Oh, and it's still not too late to sign up for
the free giveaway below:)
xo, Melisa


Bang Bang!

I kind of really want bangs again... What do you think? Bangs? No Bangs?

I think they're pretty fantastic myself... Might take plunge this weekend! EEE!!



Just wanted to give you a bit of inspiration^_^

This library is kind of my dream come true... sigh.

This is a life size dollhouse!! Need I say more?

I'm getting ready to head back to Houston, talk to you very soon!
bye lovelies. Melisa

{images via weheartit.com}


My Stash

I made out like a bandit!
Thought i'd share my treasures with you^_^

What a Day!

Well Hello! I had a lovely day and I'm here to share all of it with you. So lets begin^_^

First my sister and I set out on our big adventure!

Then we got to the Renegade Craft Fair! It was AMAZING! There were so many pretty things and inspiration out the wazoo. The best part...

I got to meet Elsie! I felt like a geek cause I got all nervous, but she's kind of an inspirational hero for me:) Be sure to check her out at A Beautiful Mess

After the craft fair we went to Hey Cupcake. I got a super sweet Red Velvet Cupcake. Yum.

We then strolled down S. Congress and shopped around the vintage stores. Oh and I found the sweetest little yarn shop! Be still my heart! I had a beautiful day and it's not even over!! I hope you're day was just perfect too.


PS: It's still not too late to sign up for the free giveaway below!!