Good morning friends!
So as many of you know i've been
school{ing} quite a lot lately... well, I
finished my first exams! And so to treat
myself, i'm going to the mall:) I'll also
be getting one of these....
And of course i'll be stopping off at a craft store to get
some lovely things to work on for my ride to Dallas this
weekend. It's my sweet cousin's high school graduation.
The Mr. will be there too and the whoooole family. I'm
not sure if you're aware of this, but Mexican families are
quite large so for us all to be gathering, it's quite the big
deal. Lot's of fun will be had and since there's no telling
how much time i'll have I want to say in advance that I
might not see you til Monday. My apologies.
But here's something pretty for you to feast your eyes on!
Bye Sweet Friends,