
Coming Soon.

I'm happy to announce that our next update will be October 01, 10!! You can expect lots of leaves, feathers and knitwear:) All things Autumn! I can't wait. There will be new styles as well as some oldies {but goodies}. 
As I mentioned earlier, I will also be doing one giveaway every week for the month of October! Plenty of opportunities to win some pretties:)
On a side note, I have A LOT of exciting things in the works for the shop right now. Once things are finalized I'll share with you. {don't wanna jinx anything!}
I hope your Monday was less of a Monday and more of a good day! Mine was extra long and it's still not over! Contrary to popular belief, Music Theory is not too exciting: / But I make do! 

Night sweet peas!
xo. Melisa

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