

So, every once in a while I get "creator's block." Fortunately I no longer have it!! I have been making so many new and pretty things for the Autumn Update. There will be quite a few new styles and pretties:) I've recently discovered Pinterest and I must say that it's one of the most inspiring places I've visited in quite some time. Here's a few things helping me stay inspired...

These make me want to have a tea party^_^ They're kind of all over the place, but all so pretty in their very own special way... What's inspiring you these days?

xo. Melisa


  1. hi dearie...i just added you to my blogroll here: http://onestylemile.blogspot.com/p/blogroll.html

    and im now following ur sweet blog!

    xo, persis.

  2. that tea cup collection is beautiful! makes me want to start my own!

  3. Oh I know what you mean! They're just so dainty and pretty!!
