
New pretties and such.

So today the Mr. came to visit. He went to Starbucks to work on graphics and such, while I created pretties:) Then we met up and had a date night:) He's the sweetest! OH. And he took me to go pet puppies! It was pretty much a wonderful day. 
I made quite a few new headbands that I'm really excited to show you all. I also worked on the next giveaway!! I should be revealing it either late tomorrow night or Monday afternoon, so be sure to check back. 
You'll also be happy to know that I did all the Project Thirty entries, but haven't taken pictures yet. I'll post them as soooon as I'm able. I'm really sorry for those of you that were keeping up with it. Life just got ahead of me; it tends to do that from time to time. They'll be up soon though, I promise!

Now it's time for sleep and sweet things. Nights.

xo. Melisa

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