
Oh Weather!

Today I had planned to go help out at a community event with my church. It was a Pecan Festival! Unfortunately, it just got cancelled due to rain. In trying not to be too disappointed i've located these lovely rain photos.

Perhaps, now that I'm inspired, I'll turn my day into a rained out day of creating?? Yes I think so. Oh and I'm going to a "nerd party" tonight. Pictures to come. Have a wonderful Friday please!

xo. Melisa

Source: one two three four

1 comment:

  1. cute pictures! I love rainy days cause they kind of force you to stay in and make art and watch movies :) Haha the nerd party sounds like fun I can't wait to see the pictures!

    I have a giveaway going on at my blog mylovelylittlesuitcase.blogspot.com from my sponsor, I would love if you came to check it out :)
