
A visit and a game.

I was so fortunate to be visited by one of my favorite people in the world; my sister! This was her first time to visit for a weekend and we had lots of fun:) We had fun being silly and crafting!! 

I'll do a special post on her next week, like I did with the Mr. But for now, you should check out her blog, oh happy day.
Yesterday I went with the Mr and some family and friends to a baseball game! We saw the Rangers play the Yankees. It was my first time being in a suite box... it was pretty nice:) Minus the rain, the game was fun...

What a swell weekend!! What did you do? Oh, I got new things to start working on for the next update. I know it's been awhile, but I promise the wait will be worth it. 

xo. Melisa

PS: I'll be announcing the giveaway winners tonight!

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