
A pretty place to work

Isn't this one of the prettiest work stations you've ever seen?? It's my personal goal to one day have my very own studio, where I can fill it with nothing but inspiration and have a place where I can simply create. For now, I use my bedroom as overflow for all of my creative projects. This desk makes my heart happy though and I hope one day to have one like it^_^
I'm going to be driving to Austin for the weekend to visit my Sister and Mom! She drove down to visit and I'm excited for a girly fun filled weekend. Hopefully I will have lots of pictures to share with you all. I also really want to do another giveaway in the next week. I have lots and lots of schoolwork/projects/piano/voice things going on next week, so fingers crossed, I will still be able to blog. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I hope it's not too cold where you're at^_^

xoxo. Melisa

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'm offering a christmas gift to you and any other bloggers or Etsy sellers. I'm giving away one week of free sponsorship on my blog and all I ask in return is that you do a little blog post about it on your blog. I'm doing this until the end of December, let me know if your interested :)
