
What Shall I Wear Today?

I found these pretty illustrations of Fifi Lapin‘s What Shall I Wear Today and thought you might enjoy them as much as I did
{gorgeous photos from Krisatomic }

Today I'll be working on:
-updating the shop
-creating new pretties {with materials that should arrive today!}
-practicing my scales for piano
-reading my new book
-a surprise for all of you!!
-continuing to give le blog her makeover^_^

But, I'll be back shortly don't worry! And I'll unveil the surprise later on this afternoon. Hope you enjoy your Friday.

loves. Melisa Shell


  1. I checked out your shop and I love it!!!!! Everything is so reasonably priced and absolutely gorgeous. I know when the new year starts up I want to buy buy buy :)

    And I think I'm going to invest in that book ... the illustrations are great!

  2. Thank you so much! :)
