
Color Crush: Yellow

I used to really dislike the color yellow, but as of late I've really been inspired by it. I'm trying to rework it into my wardrobe, but certain shades do not work with my skin tone. Anyone else have this problem?

So, my sister is here and we're adventuring! There will probably be picture taking and fun stories to share. AND I have big exciting news that will make you all very happy. I'll be sharing it very very soon!

xo. Melisa


  1. Yellow is one of my favorite colors!

    My life right now

  2. I love the color yellow, but I don't even know if I've ever tried wearing in. I'll have to remember it this spring. :)

  3. I {love} this post! Yellow is my favorite color because it makes me smile! :) :)
    Love your blog!
    <3 Leigh
