
Happy New Year!

Well 2010 has come and passed and I couldn't be more excited to begin this new adventure known as 2011! I expect lots of laughs, lots of dreams coming true, plenty of inspiration and loads of creating. I can't wait! I, of course, am composing a list of goals for the new year. So far this is what I've come up with...
1. Devote more time to music
2. Workout on a consistent basis
3. Keep my car clean
4. Design a new blog look
5. Create fun new packaging
6. Finish my last year of school strong
7. Take more photos {one a day for Project 365 - more details to come}
8. Save more money
9. Spend more time with people I love
10. Go completely vegetarian

That's all I could come up with for now. The lists always seems to grow so I'll share a completed one soon. What are some of your new goals?? 
As many of you may have noticed, Pie N' the Sky now has sponsors!! Eeep! I will be introducing you to them this week and let me say that I am so so excited that they have decided to be apart^_^ I know that you will love them. Be sure to go take a peek at their blog and/or shop.  I'll be back later with exciting news!!

xo. Melisa

1 comment:

  1. these are some really great goals! Good luck!
