
400 Things {201-300}

Here are the next 100 things as said from my sister...

1. Is super crafty
2. Was obsessed with printed paper at a young age
3. Lost her two front teeth at the same time
4. Looks and sometimes acts more mature than I
5. Got me into blogging
6. I call her before I buy pretty outfits, to get her opinion
7. Is very creative
8. Only reads christian books
9. Has tens of journals that she filled completely with words
10. Has a classic beauty
11. Was very much into penguins as a kid
12. Is my giraffe because of her long slender neck
13. Gets ready for church with worship music on
14. Is a hipster
15. We bought our iPhones at the same time
16. Is beautiful inside and out
17. Can eat junk food and not gain weight
18. Taught me what I know about using makeup
19. Wants to buy clothes for the baby she doesn’t have
20. Does wonders with photoshop
21. Doesn’t watch rated R movies
22. Her boyfriend is a perfect match for her
23. Can be over dramatic
24. Is very sensitive
25. Has a mole on her toe
26. Uses liquid eyeliner
27. Is the youngest of three children
28. Is very spoiled
29. Wants to own a pug
30. Is the best gift giver
31. We love to dance any opportunity we get
32. Loves to take car dashboard photos
33. Though she makes necklaces, she doesn’t like wearing them
34. Has a silver Mac book
35. We didn’t get along when we were kids
36. She wanted to be a basketball player when she was in elementary
37. Has a voice of an angel
38. Gets migraines
39. Loves having her head scratched
40. Has the lightest skin of the three siblings
41. Wears contacts
42. Loves watching the Bachelor
43. Forces me to watch reality tv when she visits
44. Talks in her sleep
45. Wears Bare Essentials products
46. Smells good
47. Is dainty
48. Was born in Las Cruces, NM
49. Drinks green tea raspberry fraps
50. Hates feet
51. Her mood can affect your mood
52. Likes to laugh
53. Can and will eat chips any time of the day
54. Her car is falling apart
55. Hasn’t had caffeine in months
56. Her hair makes me jealous
57. Hates cheese, but loves nacho cheese
58. Is fours years younger than me
59. Portuguese was her second language
60. Doesn’t remember how to speak portuguese
61. Wants to be a housewife
62. Gets hyper when she doesn’t go to bed on time
63. Loves God
64. Doesn’t use the word “lovely” in daily conversation
65. Always has her nails painted
66. Dislikes sharing spoons
67. Can spend hours on her laptop
68. One of her favorite snacks is pepperoni in a tortilla
69. Went through eating only hotdogs and mac and cheese phase
70. Calls me “mandrin”
71. Just ate the bottom bread of my sandwich
72. Loves yarn and yarn stores
73. Went through an awkward dorky stage
74. Is unfairly tall
75. People tell her she should be a model
76. Worked at Hollister in high school
77. Eats plates of food starting in the middle
78. Likes vintage things
79. Is a blog reader
80. Has one ‘S’ in her name
81. Was the largest baby of the three siblings
82. Acts too mature sometimes
83. Is into bright colors
84. Makes me laugh
85. Is my best friend
86. Has a cough that sounds fake
87. Has a sloppy sneeze
88. Can’t bake to save her life
89. Only knows how to cook a handful of dishes
90. Could survive off of chicken strips
91. Has been a bridesmaid for all her friends
92. I like her best with no makeup on
93. Gets frustrated easy
94. When she’s upset, asking her what’s wrong only makes her more upset
95. Is weird
96. Likes froyo
97. Lights up a room with her presence
98. Likes children’s movies
99. Has grown into a beautiful young lady
100. I’m so very proud of her

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