
Featured: Hue and Hum

Well... I'd like to introduce you to someone pretty amazing! I met her recently and instantly knew we would be friends. Meet Caitlin of Hue and Hum!

Caitlin is a talented artist and her Hum is a talented musician, together they are the cutest couple I've seen^_^  She paints pictures, loves singing harmonies, she's a terrible cook, she invented forgetful, she loves quiet time, and she'll do whatever she can to avoid chores. He plays music, has a luscious head of curls, owns too many guitars, and he does the dishes to make Caitlin's wildest dreams come true. They love sleeping in {oh they love it so much}and staying up late, eating out, watching movies, and day dreaming.  They live in a little basement, spend most their time in their studio garage, they have a puppy named Albus, and truthfully - they just have a real good time.
The Hue and Hum blog began in November 2010.  They came up with the name while they were sharing a Cafe Rio salad.  It was originally just going to be the name of their studio, but it morphed into a blog where they could publicly share their love for art and music and document their adventures along the way. 
Robbie Connoly, known as Hum, is in a band called Fictionist. They're currently competing to be on the cover of Rolling Stone!! Isn't that cool?? I thought so, so I gave them my vote here! You can do the same, and after you hear their music here, I'm sure you'll want to^_^ 
SO Hue is extreeeemely gifted in painting AND she does something that is absolutely amazing! She has a sweet section on her blog titled, Pay What You Want Prints. Yes, it's exactly what you think it is. She has beautiful prints that she sells for your price!! I was so excited to get mine in the mail today!! I love love them and cannot wait to frame it^_^ 
Aren't they lovely?? I think they're simply magical. So, not only does the girl paint pretty things, she makes cool clothes for her Hum! 
Gah! Is there anything she doesn't do?? She is so so talented and I'm so happy I met her^_^ I think the Mr. needs a coat like that for sure!! 

So now for the really exciting news... Hue and Hum is hosting a giveaway here on Pie N' the Sky and is offering one lovely reader a FREE PRINT of their choosing!!! ^_^ Trust me when I say that this is something you want. As I said, I got mine in the mail and I can't stop looking at it; it's just so pretty! So here's how to win... leave a comment below with your name and email address! Easy shmeesy:) Want extra entries?? Okay! For extra entries you can...
** Become a follower of Pie N' the Sky**
** Become a follower of Hue and Hum **
** Vote for Fictionist **
** Tweet/blog/FB about this incredible giveaway**
***** {leave a comment for each} *****

Yay!! I'll announce the winner in one week, April 5th!! hope you're excited cause I sure am^_^ Good luck and I hope you win!

xo. Melisa


  1. Erikah29.3.11

    Erikah Chavarria erikahnc@gmail.com <3

  2. Anonymous29.3.11

    oh, thanks for introducing me to a new blog! erin 11783 at gmail dot com

  3. Anonymous29.3.11

    i'm a follower of pie n the sky.

  4. Anonymous29.3.11

    and now, i'm also following hue and hum!

  5. my goodness, that is quite lovely and she is quite the gifted one! linnaej@gmail.com

  6. Wow, she is really quite talented!

  7. emma basilone

  8. I am a follower of pie n the sky!


  9. I am now following Hue and Hum too!!


  10. I voted for fictionist too =)


  11. I am following pie n' the sky! But... don't count my vote :) You are lovely, and I am flattered! I am so glad we're friends!

  12. Anonymous29.3.11

    Wow, what an interesting and talented couple :) ♥

  13. fun post.



  14. also, i am a blog follower.


  15. Kaitlyn Ruark

  16. ohmygosh i was reading this post in total awe over this talented couple and after looking at those prints i was convincing myself i absolutely needed them and then read theres a giveaway!!

    perfect <3 kandicetolman91@live.com

  17. Oooh great giveaway!!


  18. Of course i follow your blog!

  19. Super cute blog! I just became a follower :)

  20. I am following Hue & Hum now too! Their art is fabulous!
