
Makeup. Sewing. Cupcakes. Friends.

I know I mentioned that I was having a girl's night on Friday and I have had one of the most hectic weekends ever, so forgive me for being late in sharing my lovely adventure with you! As I said, the theme of the party was; makeup, sewing, cupcakes and just having fun^_^ 
We had a little fun with the 'ol mustaches^_^
I ate cheese. Which I don't do on a normal basis...
Candace made us yummy Dr. Pepper Cupcakes!
Kelsey made the cuuutest apron!
I got a little makeover. Both Candace and Kelsey are theatre teachers, 
so they love love to play with makeup^_^
All of these lovely photos are courtesy of my friend Kalli Hayes, she's the cute one in the yellow pants! You can visit her site here
ALSO, Elisha and I went to our very first Youth Small Group!! It was exciting and reminded me of how important beginnings are and how fortunate I feel to be apart of this One.  I only took one photo with my phone because I forgot my camera, but I'll share that with you when I post my project365 week recap (no. I didn't forget). Have a lovely day!!

xo. Melisa


  1. Dr. Pepper Cupcakes? I'm intrigued!


    Is this real life?

  3. this looks so so fun...i want to have a fun girls night like that! photobooth and all :) xoxo

  4. Anonymous8.3.11

    Ok, I want to be friends with you and your friends. Fun, fun, fun!

    PS I think everyone here will agree with me when I say 'Post the DR Pepper Cupcakes recipe, please!!'

  5. i love those mustaches!


  6. I need a recipe for those cupcakes!
