
A peek into the normal life

I thought I'd share with you a tiny peek into what a regular trip home looks like for me. Aside from the fun photoshoots with my sis, I love to take photos of pretty much every little moment. One, because I have a terrible memory and photos always help me remember the little things. Two, I like looking back and seeing how much we've changed. Three, I just generally love taking photos. These are unedited; just real life.
My mama and molly ann
My brother got a new suit
My sister and molly being excited
I got this as a gift. I love it. bahaaha and I love molly creepin.
My beautiful sister, Adrienne.
The siblings standing by our respective trees.
This makes sense once you know that my brother's name is Michael.

I'm currently at Starbucks with my sister enjoying the wifi because my home doesn't have internet. Crazy, right?? I don't know how I survived that long without it. Granted we live in the middle of nowhere and it's near impossible to set it up there, it would still be nice. I've gotten way too accustomed to having it at my fingertips. 

xo. Melisa

1 comment:

  1. I love taking pictures for that exact reason. Its just nice to have them, even if they are silly!

    I love the family dog poking her head in that pic...LOL!!
