
Sponsor: Be One of a Kind

I would like to introduce you to one of our lovely sponsors! Her name is Victoria and she has been a joy to have around this month! 
"Hello there! My name is Victoria and I am a student of fashion merchandising and attracted to all things pretty. I love to be daring, but can sometimes be shy. I strongly believe everything happens for a reason and I love to discover new and amazing things. My life's number one aspiration is to make the impossible, possible. It sounds like a very demanding goal, but in reality, I solve it by making my passions my guide. I love expressing myself and sharing my creativity, which is why I opened Garden of Eden Designs and the Be One of a Kind blog. Come stop by! The Garden would love to have you!"

She's just the sweetest! If you haven't already, you should go take a peek at her shop and blog^_^
And since we're talking about our incredible sponsors; tomorrow I will be sharing a very fun post including our sponsors! You're going to want to check back for sure! OH and the Sponsor Love Giveaway is only like a week away! eeeeee!! Can't wait! Have a wonderful night.


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