
Hi Dovetree!

May is upon us and I am already so excited for our new sponsors!! I thought we'd kick off this month with a fun little interview with our sponsor Kari, of Dove Tree.

Tell us about yourself:  
I love all things creative and spend most of my days painting or sewing from my home studio in my 111 year old house.
Tell us about your blog: 
Dove Tree Design blog is a place for me to share my work and the work of other artists, as well as my love for fashion, interior decor, photography and general daily adventures.

Where do you find your inspiration?:  
Everywhere I go!  I'm especially inspired by color, vintage, travel, beautiful books and magazines, nature and music.  My current inspiration obsession is ballet.  

Describe your workspace:  
If I had to describe it in one word it would be "piles."  Current projects are stacked in piles, future projects are stacked in piles, all of my fabric is stacked in piles... As far as the aesthetic, you can tour my workspace here.
Where do you hope to be in five years?  
I'm terrible at long term planning, but I'd be perfectly content to be spending my days in the same old house, in the same old studio, doing what I love to do - being creative!  

Thanks for sharing with us Kari!! I don't know about you, but I sure feel inspired to go sew something pretty now^_^ Hope y'all are having a lovley Monday afternoon! I'm off to visit with a friend and spend some quality time with the Mr.


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