
Introducing Girl Talk

The Gentlewoman. She is strong, determined and courageous. She changes the world every day in ways she doesn't yet understand. She is beautiful, sweet and kind hearted. She will be remembered by her thoughtful words that come to her like second nature. She is gifted, powerful and unstoppable. She takes the world on on a daily basis; refusing to ever give up, give in or resolve. She is spectacular, yet understated. She is friend to many, yet left unknown to many more. She is not famous, yet. She is the girl next door, the artist, the teacher, the funny girl, the eternal optimist, the mother, the musician, the photographer, the newlywed, the blogger, the fashionista, the wife... She is everything you aren't, but wish you could be. She is everything you are, but wish you weren't. She is you and you are amazing.                                                                                                                                                                                       

I'd like to introduce you to our newest feature here on Pie N' the Sky; it's called Girl Talk. Girl Talk will allow us to spotlight one girl each week and see them for who they truly are. We will learn their loves, their weaknesses and the things that make them exactly who they're meant to be. Starting June 1 we will begin to introduce you to these remarkable women. I so look forward to sharing this feature with you. mostly because I know how easy it is to feel like your the only person feeling a certain way or struggling with a particular insecurity. Hopefully this will help you see that you're not alone, that in our weaknesses we're actually stronger and knowing that every one of us are amazing.




  1. If you want to take part, how can you?

  2. Desiree', unfortunately I've already chosen the girls that will be taking part in it for the summer. If the readers enjoy it then I may consider extending it, in which case I will find more girls:)

  3. Wow, this sounds amazing! I am looking forward to reading :)

  4. Looking forward to reading this series.

  5. Well I am looking forward to this!

  6. I am so looking forward to this new blog post series. Sounds inspiring & fabulous.

  7. I would be honoured to take part in the next series!! Soldier and a single Mum which sometimes makes for an interesting read.... ;)

  8. I just discovered your blog and am totally inspired by this feature! Keep it up, I'm in love :D
