
Just another day

So today was a wonderful day. I got to sleep in, I watched the new show, The Voice {which I looove}, I took extra long to get ready {which I really love love} I drove to Dallas to meet up with my long lost friend {and forgot to take pictures. boo.} then came home, wrapped some presents and received this super sweet email from my Mr...  
"Just some lovely pictures to make you smile..."
"A dancing pug..."
 "A flying pug..."

Yes, it's true, He is just perfect for me and so so sweet; I wouldn't trade him for anyone or anything. {insert sappy "awes" here} He's just great and he knows me so well and always knows how to put a smile on my face! I realized the other day how truly blessed I am with the friendships and amazing relationship I now have in my life. I feel like some people are brought into our life for seasons... I'm really happy with the people surrounding me in this season. Even for all of you; you give me a reason to find inspiring things to share. Thank you readers; I sure do like you^_^



  1. i've had a hellishly awful day and that dancing pug was the first thing to make me laugh all day. thanks :)

  2. How thoughtful! you really can't help but smile at puppy pictures :)

  3. how sweet i love things like that.
