
Weekend Wrap Up

I started the weekend off by going to a Ranger game with my church on Friday! It was SO hot, but we're in Texas so what do you expect... It was fun hanging out with everyone and watching the game.

This is the sweet family I live with!!

Saturday I went with my friends to Deep Ellum, an area in downtown Dallas, to help with a photoshoot. It was fun and this is actually a little peek into something I'll get to share on le blog very soon!

Sunday we had our youth life group. We played Capture the flag, but with water balloons!! It was perfect because it was hot out and the water was fun. The best part was that I got to speak and share the message!! It was a privilege and I felt lucky. The Mr took me out to dinner afterwards; perfect end to a perfect day.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Can you believe it's almost June?! This summer is flying by! Do you have any plans for this Memorial Day?? I haven't decided what I'm going to do, but I'm sure it will include some ice cream, because that's what I've been craving all morning. ha. But I really don't want to be one of those weirdos who eat sweets in the am. SO I'll wait a few hours at least^_^

Be back with an extra special post!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great weekend! I love those kinds of games like the one you played, a little bit childish but so much fun! :)

    Lisa x
