
What A Week

Okay okay, so it's not so much that I forgot about my 365 project, but it's more like I just... well, I'm not sure what happened! I take pictures daily, and they're fun! I think I just forget to upload them and then I get behind and then it makes me sad and then I just don't post any pictures for over a month. Whoa! Yes, it's been over a month. Ooops! Umm, instead of going week by week, how's about I just share a whole bunch of daily photos randomly?? Like how about right now? Okay!

I made pretty presents. I worked on new additions to the shop. I created a new blog banner. I made the Mr. dinner. I sewed lots and lots. I ate a new yummy granola mix. I ate sushi with friends. I tried on like ten different nailpolishes at Ulta. I went on a double date and had giant nachos. I made salsa. I took care of two of the sweetest little girls. I saw a pretty tree. And that's about it. I know the week's not over, but this is what it is^_^ Are you having a good week so far? 


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