
What A Weekend

Soooo I had a pretty crazy wonderful weekend. It started off Saturday by meeting up with the Mr. We never ever get to see eachother Saturdays so it was pretty exciting. We got to walk this cute dog named Steve. He's extra cute and way sweet! 

Then we went and had ourselves an Urban Day! It was great as usual and the weather was perfect! So we got to sit outside and soak up some sun.

And then I went to Prom! Ha, but really. Remember my friend Kalli; the one who took the pictures for my banner? Well she was the photographer for Prom and I was there to give her a hand. It was fun and we took a silly awkward prom pose photo. hehe. {the picture was take on my phone and for some reason came out way bright and grainy, why? I don't know. sorry!}

Sunday morning came way too early, but it was very exciting! I got to sing, which is always a privilege^_^ The Mr. was used in an illustration -- he's the one with the pot on his head, ha! And that cute little girl is the daughter of the family I get to live with this summer. She recited two scripture verses from memory and did a pretty great job at it too. SO cute! Oh and she looks so pretty in her Pie N' the Sky headband^_^

As usual, after we finished tearing down at church we went to lunch with friends then headed over to Starbucks to get ready for our youth group. 

I loved this weekend. It was fun and productive and just plain great. I find that the simple days are the ones I'm most grateful for. Everyday I grow more and more grateful for my life and the blessings and even the problems, which I like to call opportunities. hehe. Life is far from perfect and there are times when I want to throw up my arms and just cry, but moving past those I am able to see the love surrounding me and the opportunities for growth; I guess it's perfect in it's imperfection? yes.


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