
Alive and Well

I'm alive! After a week of camp, being outdoors in 100 degree weather, hanging out with hundreds of teenagers, I am alive and happier then ever. I had the privilege of being a dorm monitor for the North Texas Youth Camp and let me just say, God did some pretty amazing things. I'll be sharing more about our experiences on my Conversations page. I did want to share a few photos with you though...

It was a blast and after crashing all day yesterday when I got home, I feel refreshed and ready for a fun filled day. As I had mentioned before, the Mr's birthday is just around the corner and since it's the big 25, I've decided to make it extra special and give him a birthweek! I'm so nice! ha! He deserves it for sure. SO today we will begin the festivities. It's still a surprise to him so I won't spill the beans just yet, but I'll let you know how it goes. Also, can I just say that after being away for just five days, I missed y'all so much! I hope you enjoyed our guest posts; I know I did! I love having guests here and look forward to sharing more with you.

One last thing! Sheesh, I'm writing so much, but I feel like I haven't talked to y'all in so long that I have way to much to share. I just got finished posting the August sponsor spots in the shop. There have already been quite a few requests and I apologize for not having it ready until now. If you have any questions please feel free to email me. I so look forward to working with each of you!



  1. These camp photos look amazing! Seems like you had a great time! I really would love to do that air cushion thing one day :) Hope Mr. has a great birthweek ^^

    Loves, Nikki

    Blog: The Ginger Diaries

  2. Looks like such an amazing time!

  3. All these pictures look so cool! I bet you had such a great time!
