

I know I've mentioned that the Mr has been helping out at the youth camp, so I thought I would share with you some of the fun going on out there. I went last week  to take photos and forgot to charge my battery, oops! I was able to get a few shots though. Below are some photos of the camp shop which I helped decorate! I organized where the fixtures were going to go and I made all the pretty decorations! It's supposed to be UOesque. The Mr designed that way cool banner in the back. He has also been making quite a few videos, which are pretty great! AND the last photo is of the stage, which he also designed. Yes, each of those banners was created by him. Isn't my boyfriend cool? The answer is yes. I am seriously the most proud girlfriend ever! He makes it so easy to be his biggest fan though^_^ SO cheesy, but so true! ha! Have any of y'all ever gone to a youth camp?? I only went once and it was as a leader; I totally missed out!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!! Anything exciting happen?


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