
Girl Talk: The Funny Girl

Emily is one of the funniest people I know. I'm not just saying that either; the girl literally doesn't even have to try to make you laugh, she is just such a character. Her bubbly personality and genuineness instantly drew me to her and we've been friends for 3 years now. She sings beautifully, she's driven, she's an amazing friend and I know she's going to inspire you.

What is your job title?
Administrative assistant for Brenton Miles and Key Eye Productions L.L.C. …aka da boss, yo. Brenton Miles is an emerging singer, song-writter and worship leader. Check him out!!

What do you love about yourself?
Honestly one of the big things that I love about myself is that I have the most AMAZING friendships on earth. No lie. Without them, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I love that almost ANY joke, no matter how stupid will prob still make me laugh out loud. I love that it takes a lot to bring me down because usually even when things are bothering me, im still being my silly, ridiculous, goofy self. I like to stay upbeat and keep a-smilin.

Who is your role model?
Role models for me are tricky. I look up to so many people…friends, my own parents, my academic mentors, but one role model that always stuck out to me was my college voice teacher, Meredith Jones. She really did inspire me to truly love and appreciate classical voice and music and helped me to see beyond what I could. She is such an incredible woman of God and an amazing singer and musician. I hope to continue on singing and learning for the rest of my life, no matter what my career is because of the love for the craft that she instilled in me.

What inspires you?
SOO many things inspire me…music for sure, clothes and great style, an awesome and appropriately placed knock-knock joke, but when we get down to the major themes of life, my very own father is the biggest inspiration of all. He is the hardest working man that I know and has always put his family above himself. He inspires me to see that in life, you have to give everything you’ve got and put every effort you have into something if you want to see the desired results. THAT inspires me to take every day by the horns and keep working and working at my dreams and goals.

What are five words that describe you?
….hmmm…energetic? Definitely so. Animated? Absolutely, and throw in a slight flair for the dramatic (only slightly ;). Downright hilarious? Well of course…but probably only to myself. Tenacious and industrious? Well, that’s two words, but yes. And lastly, I would have to say loyal. I’ll stick by your side no matta da weatha.

What is your biggest insecurity?
Getting up on stage to play the piano and forgetting my song 3 measures in. Oh wait…that already happened. Like every year since ive been alive it’s happened. Every recital.  The piano is scary. It was a miracle that I graduated with a music degree. Don’t y’all feel bad for me?

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
This last one is so tough! I would want to be like a million different people!! But I would have to say that I would want to be Amanda Bynes. I think she is one of the funniest actresses of my generation. I have NO idea how great her personality is in real life, but I died laughing watching her in movies and on T.V. growing up. Love her.


  1. AWESOME interview, she sounds like an awesome person!

  2. you are right, she is hilarious! great interview!
