
Girl Talk: The Painter

Miss Caitlin is one of the sweetest girls I've had the privilege of meeting via the blog world. She is an incredibly talented painter, married to a rockstar, and mother to one adorable pup. I know you'll be inspired by her! 

What is your job title ?
artist, clothes designer, right-brained day dreamer

What do you love most about yourself?
I love that I am creative!  Being creative means that I get to find my own personal style, embrace "unique", and explore new ideas all the time.  Not only is it fun, but I feel like it forces me to get to know myself better and learn to love that person... even though that is not always easy! :)

Who is your role model?
I have so many, I'll narrow it down to two.  Creatively?... Joni Mitchell.  Anybody else a Joni Mitchell fan?  She was a poet, an artist, and an amazing song writer.  It seemed as though she filtered every experienced in life and then reproduced that experience manifest by some artistic medium.  On a personal level?... my great grandma, I called her grandma great.  She was a hard worker and gave everything for her family, and she was also an artist and a creator.  She made clothes from flour sacks and shoes from tires, she painted utah landscapes with beautiful colors.  She was one tough lady, a legit repurposer, and a true artist! 

What inspires you?
I feel inspired all the time!  By people, experiences, trials, scenery, music... it all sums up to my personal experience, and I feel it is my duty as an artist to understand these experiences and share them through my art.  I think we have all been molded by our roots and our circumstances, I feel most inspired by these simple things.

What are five words that describe you?
goofy, forgetful, kind, idealistic, dreamer, 

What is your biggest insecurity?
I think my biggest insecurity would be letting myself or other people down.  I am forgetful, I get lost in time easily, and I have too many things I want to do in life.  I guess it feels daunting trying to accomplish everything I want to and still give of myself to others freely.  

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
an actress on broadway.  I've never been gutsy enough to get on stage and sing, be expressive, dynamic, and let myself go completely.  I feel very passionate about my art in my little corner of my garage studio, but I'd like to know what that feels like to be that passionate on stage. 

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So great! Thanks for stopping by Caitlin! I hope you all will go say a quick hello to Hue and Hum!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Aw this is great, cute photos, love the dog =)

  3. I SO wish I was good at painting!!

  4. Her dog is SO cute! And I love her work as well.
