
i make lists.

Sometimes I make lists. Sometimes life gets the best of us and instead of giving into sadness, we have to look on the brighter side and take note of the things, however few, are actually going right. Here is a list of things presently going right...

>> i am moving out on Monday into a new space. Sad because I'm leaving the Barth family, but happy to decorate and nest.
>> i have a wonderful relationship. The Mr is not only my boyfriend, but my best friend; we are so happy with where we are right now.
>> i have an incredible church. and it's growing. and I love the people. and I feel at home.
>> i am blessed with insanely supportive and kind friends and family.
>> in less than four months I am graduating. weirds.
>> i am going to launch something very exciting this week. i can't wait to share.
>> it's getting a tiny bit cooler. okay maybe that's not true, but maybe if I say it, it will^_^
>> i just drank a giant glass of iced chai which makes for a happy Melisa (yes, i just referred to myself in third person)
>> i am finally packed up 
>> tomorrow is Sunday & that means time with my Mr at Starbucks, doing what we both do best!



  1. I really think I am in need of making a list like this right now. Thanks for helping to cheer me up today!

  2. This is a great way to keep yourself focused on the brighter side of life! I should make a list every. single. day. ... I need the therapy badly! Pregnancy hormones have a great way of blinding you to the lovelier things in life. =)

  3. I make lists too. I find them strangely comforting.

  4. Lists! :) I love lists - making lists is very therapeutic for me. That's so sweet that you boyfriend is your best friend - that's how it should be :) God bless!

  5. Follow My blog:)!

  6. Anonymous21.8.11

    I think i must make a lists too! :0 Nice post! :)

    Irene Wibowo

  7. I'm a lister, too! But usually it's about things I need to get done... I need to make a positive list like this :)
