

This weekend was terribly productive and yet surprisingly relaxing. Saturday I had no plans so I just did a few things I wanted to get done and by a few, I kind of mean a lot.
Made ten new bows for the shop
Made some new curtains
Updated From the Armoire and added tons of new goodies!
Decorated my inspiration wall (post to come)
Went grocery shopping
Returned Rio (such a cute movie!)
Got my oil changed
Made two big batches of salsa
Organized my fabric shelving
Did two loads of laundry
Washed the dishes
Baked some patriotic cookies (in honor of Constitution Day)
Watched 4 episodes of Bones (now I'm caught up!)
Wrote a paper on the form and analysis of of Minuet composed by Bach

How was your weekend? Did you notice how some of my cookies are a bit "toasted"? Well, lets just say I'm not really a baker, hehe. Oh and did you see?! We're only 13 lovely followers away from a very special five-hundred-follower-giveaway! Ah! Happy Monday!



  1. Wow you really did have a productive weekend. yum...cookies are always good even if they are a little toasty. Following now...can't believe I wasn't before :)


  2. Looks like an awesome day! I need a productive one like that myself. :)

  3. these photos are delicious in every single way :)
