
That time my Grandma started a blog...

My Grandma started a blog. She's adorable and it makes me so happy and warm inside that she's sharing her stories with the world. She is currently going through physical therapy after having several surgeries on her hip. She's in a lot of pain and this has helped her to not focus so much on it. I'm sure it would make her oh so happy to have some encouraging comments^_^ 

She has been such a light in my life. I know everyone thinks their Grandma is the best, but mine truly is an incredible woman. She is kind, thoughtful, full of joy, selfless and simply beautiful. I hope to be like her when I grow up. She was also the first person to teach me how to sew; I think my creativity comes from her and it makes me happy that I'll always carry that with me.



  1. oh my dear me. that is the cutest thing i have ever seen and i do hope it takes her mind off the pain.

    goodness, i'm going to need to learn spanish so i can read it :)

  2. haha! Yes, I forgot to mention that part. I've had to brush up on my Spanish skills to keep up;)
    Thank you for your kind words!

  3. Siempre había querido encontrar un blog de alguien así, procuraré visitarlo de vez en cuando.

  4. This is the coolest.
