
Girl Talk // The Adventurer

For those of you who may not know Miss Kaelah, let me introduce you! Kaelah is extremely talented, inspiring and one of my personal favorite bloggers. Her life seems so dreamy; I know you'll just love her!

What is your job title?
I am a freelance graphic designer, bartender, blogger, and just recently a brand new small business owner (the Honeybean Mobile Boutique)!

What do you love about yourself?
I love that never does a day go by that I don't dream up something ridiculous or amazing to strive for. Now if I could just get my typical Aries personality to be so stoked on actually finishing all of those fabulous projects!

Who is your role model?
Each and every woman who has ever aspired to something that others say they'll never achieve. A hardworking, fearless woman! There are millions of them out there. I'm on a hunt to meet them!

What inspires you?
Everything. Personal style, seasons, artists. I strive for individuality, free thinking, and adventure. Few things are more inspiring than that!

What are five words that describe you?
Messy, a dreamer, optimistic, independent, determined
What is your biggest insecurity?
I would say my biggest insecurity is the fear that I'll let myself down. I strive for so many things and it's always heartbreaking when you fall short. But as long as I get back up and don't let it knock me around, well, I'll consider myself doing okay!

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
I don't think I would choose to be anyone else for a day, honestly. I really love my life and I'm truly blessed to be working toward my dream. I wouldn't want to cheapen anyone else's dreams by stepping in their shoes and finding it a little less than fulfilling. We all aspire to different things. Dreams, goals and aspirations aren't a "one size fits all" type deal. My goals may be comical to someone else, but they're just right for me. I don't want to miss a single minute! 

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Thanks so much for sharing with us Kaelah! I love love Girl Talks! We are still currently taking applicants! If you're interested in being one of our new Girl Talk ladies, email me at Melisaholguin@gmail.com. Can't wait to hear from you^_^



  1. Cute cute photoshoot. Darling outfits and amazing pictures!

  2. that little trailer is just too amazing. loving this mini photoshoot. too perfect!!
    xo TJ
