
The Christmas Tree

So I think it's finally okay to start listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas movies AND putting up the Christmas tree!! Even though I kinda started doing all of that about two weeks ago (shh) Yesterday, Adrienne and I went to target to get her very first Christmas tree and had so so much fun hanging up all of the ornaments. There's something so magical about a Christmas tree all lit up. 

Growing up we always went to Ruidoso to cut down a real tree, which made it even more fun. I also really loved the fresh pine-y smell that it filled the livingroom with^_^ So how about you? Real or fake tree??



  1. THose are super pretty bulbs! I absolutely love real trees! I cannot wait to go tree shopping with my boyfriend..hopefully soon! :) -Lo

  2. love your ornaments!! i prefer real trees however fake ones are so much easier. hah i have the smallest little fake tree ever - c'est apartment living!

  3. Anonymous26.11.11

    such a cute little tree. we are picking up our fake tree tommorow :D love your ornaments

  4. What pretty ornaments!

    As for real or fake... I'm going to go with fake. We had a real tree only once growing up... I remember the bother it was to clean up all the pine needles after it was all said and done... Lazy, I know :)

    Happy {beginning of the} Holidays!


  5. We always had real growing up..would just head out to the bush and our Dad would chop it down :) Nowaday's we do fake..only because I like to put my tree up weeks early and a real one would be in rough shape by Christmas!

    BTW..I love those acorn ornaments!

  6. I LOVE real trees. We aren't going to actually be home for Christmas eve / morning this year.. we're doing Santa at my mom's! So we will probably just get a tiny real tree this year because the thought of not having a tree at all is just depressing!

  7. Anonymous26.11.11

    ruidoso? tell me i just found another blogger from new mexico! pretty please!?!

  8. AShley -- I am from Las Cruces, NM :)

  9. Love the colors of your ornaments! They are so complimentary and I just love it!
