
Full of Thanks

As it is nearly Thanksgiving, I thought it would be appropriate to share a few things I'm thankful for this holiday season

1. All that God has done and is doing in my life. I'm seriously blown away with what God has done with me and through me. I hope this doesn't come off as being boastful, but I say this to say that I am a big ol nobody and it is only by God's grace, love and blessing that I have become a somebody. As I approach graduation, I am completely in awe of where God has brought my life. It's not perfect, but gosh it's so much better than I could've hoped for. He truly does know best and I am thankful.

2. My Family. Well, duh. I know this is the usual answer, but really. I have an incredible, thoughtful and inspiring family. I look to each one of my parents and siblings; I am completely blessed to be surrounded with people that love me and support my every endeavor!

3. Graduation! Even though it hasn't happened yet, I'm grateful that it's three weeks away and I actually did it; that I passed piano proficiency, had my night of worship, did it in three and half years and am doing so in the top 5% of my class. Seriously, all because of God. Thankful indeed.

4. My Church. I can't always be with my family and that's what my church family is for. They have supported me in ways I didn't think anyone who wasn't my own blood ever would. They truly are my family away from family. That makes sense right? They're wonderfully kind people who help me to believe in myself and I'm so thankful for them and all they do for me and our community.

5. The Mr. I am always thankful for him, but this past year has been unlike any other, and I know there's no way I could've gotten to where I am or become who I am today, without him. He's my best friend and I can't imagine anyone else I'd rather go through life with than this guy. He's pretty great.

6. A new home with a wonderful family. As I prepare to graduate and move away from campus, I'm so thankful that God has provided a roof over my head with a truly amazing family. I am so blessed to have them in my life.

7. Our Student ministry. What God has done this past year, in and through these students is insane! We just got back from youth convention and after hours of conversation, I remember why I do what I do and count myself so lucky to be a role model to these sweet girls.

8. Pie N' the Sky. Some weeks are better than others and on those not so good days, this blog and you lovely readers help me through. It keeps me motivated and helps me to focus on the inspiring and the beautiful; as it should be.

I'm really thankful for my life, for my health, for my country, for all of the blessings I have. I'm thankful that I don't have to worry about where I'm going to sleep, or whether or not I will get to eat, or having to find clean water. I may not be rich,  but I'm thankful that I have enough for myself and enough to give and bless others. I'm thankful for a car that runs, though everything about it may be falling apart. I'm thankful for friendships & the ability to make music. I'm thankful that I never feel alone & one day soon I will start a new adventure. I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to have such a fine education & the joy I get from crafting and creating. I am thankful.

What are you thankful for? Do you have a "thankful" post? Leave me a link. And remember to be thankful.


ps: the photo at the top is a preview of my senior photos taken by the lovely Jennifer Marie


  1. AMEN sister!!!


  2. Love this! Happy Thanksgiving week. :)

  3. Anonymous21.11.11

    such a sweet post.. Happy thanksgiving :)

  4. I love this! So uplifting and positive. You may have inspired me to create my own post :)

    Have a great week!!


  5. Happy thanksgiving! I enjoyed reading what you are thankful for! Beautiful, love the pictures!

    You are gorgeous!!!

    In our sea of love

  6. It's so amazing to reflect on all that God has given us! How amazing that you have a children's ministry! :) Loveeeee that.

  7. I just found your blog, and I love it.

    I'm now a follower.


  8. I love that so many bloggers are being thankful this weekend! We had our Canadian thanksgiving back in October, but I've been feeling a bit thankful lately regardless.. You can take a look at it here:

    xo. little miss
