
Keepin Austin Weird

 I love visiting Adrienne. Mostly because I love her and mostly because I love Austin. This time around we were able to head on over to the first Renegade Craft Fair Winter event! It was lovely as usual and I was able to purchase a few Christmas presents, as well as some goodies for myself of course. I think one of the coolest most weirdest feelings is when I meet blog readers in real life and they actually know who I am. I don't think I will ever get over this feeling; very surreal, but extremely cool. I wish I could meet all of you! 

My sister and I have fallen in love with the fair and are hoping (fingers crossed) that we will be able to have our very own booth next year! eeeep! It'll take a lot of work, but we're looking forward to it^_^ And then maybe I can meet a few more of you?? Yes, I hope so!

Anywhos, here's a few shots I took while on vacay. Yes, that's what I just called it... vacay. Enjoy.

Hope you are having a wonderful start to an even better week! Sending you lots and lots of happy thoughts. Happy Monday!



  1. I was there Saturday! I am hoping to have my own booth next spring!
    I LOVE your blog!


  2. Anonymous28.11.11

    you girls are gorgeous

  3. Craft Fairs sound like so. much. fun!!! I wish I could meet some of my bloggy buddies offline. They're more than just "blog friends," they are real true friends who mean so much to me!!!

    Also? You both are so pretty! And those boots - I love those boots!!!

  4. Love your fringe boots! Gorgeous pictures of you ladies!

  5. Anonymous29.11.11

    looks like a great time! :)

  6. Hey I just found your blog and think it's so lovely! I'm following, can't wait to keep reading!


