
GIRL TALK // The Illustrator

Kate is the lovely lady behind Scathingly Brilliant. She's no stranger here, as she was deemed our very first Blogger of the Week and she is also a Pie N' the Sky sponsor this month! She has the prettiest pink hair, the most darling wardrobe ever, and she is oh so talented!! I'm very excited to have this week's Girl Talk with her!

What is your job title // Illustrator

What do you love about yourself // I'm not too confident so this is a toughie for me! I think the one thing that I'm confident about is my intellect. I love that I learn pretty easily, and I love that I enjoy learning. I also think I'm a pretty good daughter and sister, and I hope that I'm a good friend :)

Who is your role model // I have so many, but I'd say my mom and my Aunt Annie definitely top the list. My mom is the sweetest, kindest, most generous, selfless person I've ever met. My Aunt Annie is turning 100 in a few weeks, and ever since I was little I've loved hearing her tell stories about her life. She married in her 30's, but quickly got divorced after her husband didn't let her go out dancing often enough. She traveled the world and has lived a long, happy, independent life. 

What inspires you // Classic movies and my cats. I think almost everything I do can somehow be traced back to classic movies or my cats!

What are five words that describe you // empathetic, smart, tired, hungry, curious

What is your biggest insecurity // As much as I wish I was comfortable in my own skin, I'm terribly insecure about my body. I actually wear capri jeans over my bathing suit when I swim in my own backyard swimming pool! It's ridiculous.

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be // I would love to be Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler's character from Parks and Recreation) I know she's fictional, but it's not like if I named a real person I'd magically get the chance to trade places, haha! She's pretty much the most awesome lady I can think of. And if the day I got to be her was a day that she was dating Ben Wyatt (aka Adam Scott) that would be even better.

Aren't her illustrations so sweet!?? I'm a cat lady myself, so I'm quite the fan ^_^ If you'd like to check out the rest of her prints and see the rest of her shop, you can hop on over here. And if you just want to get to know her better, you can go here. Thanks so much for listening in on the week's Girl Talk! 



  1. she's a doll. love her work, too!

  2. Oh, I love her illustrations! Good to know something more about Kate :)
