
A peek

Would you like to look at a whole lot of photos?? I hoped you would because I have a slew of random peeks at my weeklong vacation. The Mr and I travelled a total of 36 hours in the car, visited 4 cities, and saw nearly all of our immediate family. Needless to say it was exhausting but so much fun!

And in case you haven't seen enough, here's the trip from my iphone's perspective...

And that is the last look back on 2011. Now, onto more exciting 2012 things! Do you like the new header?? I know I change so much around here all the time, but I enjoy little changes. Does it drive you nuts? Sorries. I hope you had a lovely start to your week!



  1. Those slippers are so cute! Where did you get them? :)

  2. Looks like it was a blast and I love the new header!!

  3. What a fun trip you two must have had! :) Love all the pictures and I always love your smile! :)

  4. Bahahah! I love that you got Boy Meets World for Christmas:)

  5. all of these pictures are incredible! love the instagram pictures. what a great trip!
    xo TJ

  6. That ice cream (frozen yogurt?) looks ah-mazing! Looks like a great trip!

  7. You guys are too cute ! I love your pictures. I read your post below about your new boots and I love them! So glad I found your blog. I had fun reading it. Glad to follow you !!

    XO. A Southern Bee Diary


  8. that is crazy amazing!!!!!!

  9. I LOVE love those sweet slippers!
    And that icecream looks perfect, too!

    Have a great weekend!
