
Girl Talk // The Soft Spoken

Today we get to have a chat with the lovely Meredith of One Sheepish Girl. Meredith is just the sweetest gal and oh so terribly talented! I absolutely adore her work and I think you will all really enjoy reading more about her!

What is your job title?
At the moment I am a college senior, knitter, and blogger!

What do you love about yourself?
If you asked me this question a few years ago, I would have had no response. I went through a time in my life where I loved nothing about myself. I dealt with insecurities and doubts in a big way. Thankfully, I discovered knitting, blogging, and slowly developed a “voice” and sense of self. I still struggle with my insecurities, but I definitely feel better about myself today. I love that I love different things than people my age. I like Jane Austen, drinking tea, and curling up with a good book or movie more than anything.

Who is your role model?
My role model is definitely my mom. Without a doubt she is the person I look up to the most. She has supported my creativity ever since I could roll a glob of Play-Doh into a worm. I am so appreciative of her wisdom and kind spirit. I just love her so much!

What inspires you?
I am inspired by bright colors mixed with classic styles. I really love sweaters and cardigans, a pretty basic fashion staple, but I tend to navigate toward fun patterns and colors making them more unique. A skirt with a basic shape covered in pink triangles is something that would definitely catch my eye! I guess I’m a little bit like what inspires me. I’m classic, dare I say “granny”, because I love Frank Sinatra and knitting at home, but I’m also a bit colorful in the ways I dress and live my life.

What are five words that describe you?
Reserved, Kind, Bibliophile, Determined, and Sheepish ;-)

What is your biggest insecurity?
Unfortunately, my biggest insecurity is worrying about what other people think. I worry about what others think of my clothes, knitting, blog posts…pretty much everything. Sometimes it becomes extremely consuming. Eventually I realize that living my life based on other people’s opinions is a complete waste of time, but I still have moments of weakness that I need to work through.

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
Do fictional people count? I would love to be Mrs. Darcy aka Elizabeth Bennett for a day. Married to Mr. Darcy…yeah…I could handle that. ;-)

Thanks so much for sharing Meredith! If y'all would like to get to know Meredith more, feel free to follow one of the links listed above. 



  1. Aww! She is so cute :) Thanks for sharing!


  2. Lovely goodies!
    thanks for sharing!
    I have the same insecurity....

  3. Anonymous8.2.12


  4. SOOO CUTE! Love all those goodies. Loving the blogs.
