
Life according to my iphone

I really love social media sites, but I must admit that Instagram is by far my most favorite. I love love photos, whether I'm the one taking and sharing or I'm looking through others' photos, I just love it! If you'd like to follow me, my name is "pienthesky" and I also added an instagram button on my sidebar that will take you to my copygram page! 

Mostly I just love catching little glimpses of peoples' daily lives. Makes me feel like I'm still close to friends and family that live far away^_^  Someday soon I'm going to get mine turned into a book! 
Are you on Instagram?? What's your username? I love finding new friends to follow!



  1. I think I'm the biggest instagram addict out there, I post WAY too many pictures, but it's changed the way I look at creativity! I'm lickmycuocakes <3

  2. i like the instagram app but unfortunately I'm on droid :). Would definitely follow you though. It's pretty cool how media is used to literally record every detail of our lives now n days. So very, very crazy! and it is only beginning. I can only imagine the stuff my kids,lord willing, will be able to do.



  3. I keep trying to make myself take/post more instagram photos, but it always slips my mind! I love looking through others photos though. Instagram is so much fun! I'm sillysunflower :)

    xo Heather

  4. Também adoro! As fotos tem aquele ar vintage, tão legal e que eu tanto amo. Suas fotos são encantadoras, de verdade.
    Ah, adorei o seu blog. Gostei muito do último DIY que você publicou, estou pensando em faze-lo

    I also love! The air has that vintage photos, so nice and I love so much. Your photos are lovely, really.
    Oh, I love your blog. I really enjoyed the last DIY you posted, I'm thinking of doing it
    sorry my english is not very good

  5. I'm missymelissy on instagram, and I'm excited to be following you now!
    xo Little Miss

  6. Kris6.2.12

    your photos are always so sweet! my instagram is @kbobrien :)

  7. seriously, i'm addicting to instagram. it's the best invention yet. adding you now :)
    xo TJ

  8. Love instagram! It was the first app I downloaded when i got my phone :) My username is calyseb

    Following you now!
