
A Post About Random Goodness

Last night was so amazing. Let me tell you why...

Last night the Mr and I, along with youth leaders and church family, launched our student ministry SPARK! For a little less than a year, we've been growing this ministry; taking it from small groups, which at first meant three students in a living room with a bunch of leaders, to 93 at last night's Launch Service. God is amazing. When I try and understand incredible things like that and how they possibly could've happened, and how I actually get to take part in, I'm just blown away at how good God is. We couldn't have done it without Him, without Elisha's obedience and willingness to do whatever it took, without  the time, energy and constant devotion from our leaders, or without the constant prayers of every one of our leaders and church family. I'm just so grateful. What takes my awe of God to a whole other level is that I know that I know, that this was just the beginning. We're only getting started.

I got home after the long and glorious night of wonderfulness only to find that I could not sleep. like for the life of me it just was not happening. So I did what any sane person would do; I sat up in my bad, grabbed my laptop and started to work on a design project. I designed and designed until I finished an entire new layout, for the most darling girl ever, at about 6am. I was so proud of my work though. The kind of proud where you step back and say, "yeah, I did that!" knowing how many hours you put in, how much sleep you lost and how it's all worth it because somehow you brought to life a look, an idea, a brand, that once did not exist, but now does. If you'd like to see the full design or you're in need of some yummy recipes, hop on over to Whipped!

This was not last night, but it's still something I'd like to share. As I've stated previously, I have pretty insanely talented friends. They're so talented and that a few of them decided to go and make an album. They're cool like that. They're called Animal Family Singers and they're pretty great. They just released their album and it can be found on iTunes, so yeah... go give it a listen!

That's my random post of fun and exciting news and stories. Keep in mind I'm running on four hours of sleep and my brain usually requires eight to function properly; so I guess I'm at 50% batter life right now. OH before I forget, have you taken a look at the lovely new faces on the left sidebar?? You should! They are pretty faces and they have lovely blogs/stores. Won't you go say hi to them?



  1. How lovely to see the way God is working! Hope you are able to catch up on some of that sleep!

  2. Amazing. And love your pretty blog designs :)

  3. this looks like so so much fun and so wonderful to express your relationship with god xo i'm jealous i couldn't go! haha

  4. May the Lord continue to bless Spark, whipped and Animal Family Singers!
    Love a little random God filled excitement! ^_^
