
ten ways to battle creative block

As of late I've been experiencing creative block, thus the angry letter in my last post. I don't like these times, but I understand that they are necessary for growth and this last week has been really beneficial. I decided to compile a list during this time to help shed light on ways we can, not necessarily avoid the creative block, but get ourselves through them!

Clean up your space. A new workspace can be entirely inspiring and can do wonders for the creative process. I decided to clean up my room today; I drew back my curtains, let the light on in, grabbed some flowers and put them in a jar, and made a new display on my nightstand - instantly I felt refreshed. Cleaning up your work area can give you a fresh new perspective; clutter sometimes clouds the mind. Start fresh!

Take a step outside. If you want to be inspired, simply look at the world around you! I draw most of my inspiration from nature and pretty drives by myself. Paying attention to the little details in daily life can do wonders! I'll be sharing a post on this later.

Pick up some magazines. I like looking at pretty things. Sometimes great ideas stem from other great ideas. I love looking at ads and photography found in magazines; they help me strive to create work that's just as inspiring. A few of my favorites are NylonFrankie, and Vogue.

Make a new playlist. Music always inspires me and sometimes a new song can spur on a hundred new ideas! Take an hour and get lost in itunes; pick up a few new songs and make a mix and just sit back and listen. Lyrics and great melodic lines are always a great source of inspiration for me.

Spend time with loved ones. Sometimes we get entirely too wrapped up in creating or blogging that we simply lose touch. It's good to take a little break for a night or sometimes even a week and just "get away". Spending time with friends and family, just laughing and not worrying about getting photos of the night or thinking up new ideas, can be relaxing and extremely enjoyable.

Go blog surfing. Take a break from your blog and just go enjoy reading and looking at other blogs. Seeing other peoples' fabulous work always motivates me to create work that I'm proud of. In case you're looking for some good reads, a few of my faves are Bleubird, Busy Bee Lauren, Maie Dae, and Roots & Feathers.

Craft for fun. I know how easy it can be to get caught up crafting to work, so I think it's extra important to craft for the joy of it! After you've done the tip above, pick a diy and do it just for fun. you don't need to blog about it, you don't need to take photos of it, just simply make it because it's pretty and you like it! The next one on my to do list is Kinsey's jewelry box that I listed in my week's favorites!

Go on an adventure. Do something that you've never done before; no matter how challenging or not it may be. Sometimes getting out of the box means getting out of our comfort zone and experiencing something new. This allows you to create new memories and draw from a special moment in your life. You try not to be inspired after experiencing something new for the very first time! I love using Groupon for good ideas!

Journal and doodle. Doing this can be so relaxing and enjoyable. I love doodling and dreaming up pretty things; sometimes it can mean writing a poem or drawing flowers... whatever it is, grabbing a sketchbook and getting your thoughts on paper can do wonders! I love using my moleskin the most because it's easy to tote!

Just sit and breathe. Accept the fact that you are experiencing a creative block. Understand that it is an opportunity for growth and rise to the occasion. Sometimes I like to light a few candles and just sit on my bed. I don't play any music, I try and wipe out all distractions and I just clear my mind. This doesn't have to be for hours or anything weird, just a few minutes... and then I grab my computer and write out whatever comes out first. Some of my most favorite posts have been a result of this.

I'm sure there are tons more that one can do to get past the creative block, but this is what has and is currently working for me. Hope it helps if you're currently experiencing this, and if not then feel free to use it when and if the time ever comes! Here's to a happy creative week!



  1. Thank you, Thank you! I've been battling the creative block for some time now but with no succsess. I got some great ideas from this post! I really hope they work! :)



  2. Great post! It's true, a little fresh air works wonders!

  3. These are all so helpful :) Making a new playlist always helps me a lot!
    xo Heather

  4. These are actually really great tips, they were so helpful. I randomly hit a creative block here and there, I will most definitely keep these tips in mind for the next time that occurs!

  5. I needed this. Just reading through these made me feel more inspired! Thank you, thank you!



  6. Fantastic post, Melissa!
    It's refreshing to know I'm not the only one who needs reminders to forget about blogging sometimes and focus on the beautiful moments life presents us with :)

  7. here, here! I find that changing up my routine makes a big difference. Taking a walk, meeting up midday with friends, and often reading a book. Little things sometimes bring the best inspiration!
