
A little design

I've mentioned my graphic design shop before and I always like to share little peeks at my creations and also spotlight the lovely bloggers who allow me to design for them. Here are two lovely blogs that I made over recently. The bloggers are such sweet girls and I look forward to reading what they have to share!

Sarah of Simply Dove 

I really really enjoy designing and being able to give life to a dream or thought someone else has. I work on everything from blog buttons to entire blog makeovers! If you're interested in getting some design work done, feel free to email me at Melisaholguin@gmail.com or visit this info page to get more... info, ha!

In other news, I was featured on Savannah's lovely blog, Maie Dae! I just love her and felt so lucky to share tips on staying inspired! You can check it out here!

Thanks for stopping by! I'm spending the majority of my night working with le Mr. at Starbucks; which in turn means, drinking chai, doodling and blogging - best night ever.



  1. Hi Melisa!

    Thank you so much for sharing my blog and the pretty template that you designed for me on your blog!! It was a pleasure working with you. You are such a sweet person. I look forward to reading your new posts and building a blogger friendship! :)


  2. I found your blog through Savannah's blog, and I love it! You're so lovely and inspiring!

  3. Your designs are totally gorgeous.

    What software do you usually use? Photoshop? I'm trying to educate myself in the ways of graphic design and it's people like you who inspire me! Keep it up lady :)

  4. Anonymous7.4.12

    Thanks for featuring my re-design Melisa! I love my blog's new look, and I received tons of compliments on it. Which, really, are compliments to you! So, great job! :)
