
an update

Hi remember me??

I feel full of lame for not being more present as of late. And I'm sure you're over the excuses, but seriously y'all, working these long days and being in ministry is exhausting. I feel like everyday I get 3 hours to do with as I please, but it mostly gets eaten up by "to do's". I miss having the ability to spend hours just being creative and blogging and taking photos and making lovelies and not being "angry tired". That's a new term I've coined as of late, you know when you're so tired you're just a grumps... angry tired.

So this is me being real. I'm human and sometimes I can't do it all and I grow and I learn to adjust. I know there's a lot of you in the same boat. Have any tips? I've heard quite a few, and heck, I've even written posts about it, but sometimes I wake up or get home and think "I simply have no energy left in me." 

I did manage however, to stay up late last night to finish up some new rings / hair pretties! They came out so great and it really sparked that creativity. It's there, I just have to muster up the energy to make extra time for it. These lovelies are for my upcoming booth at the Renegade Craft Fair in Austin on May 19th!! I simply cannot wait!



  1. Love the bunny pins!! I know exactly how you feel about the angry tired thing. Hang in there girl we have all been there, haha!

  2. I hear you! I have been angry tired for awhile now and it stinks.
