
A Word of Encouragement

Have you ever encountered a fork in the road? You know, like you have two options and you're not sure which one is the "right one."  Here's what I've come to the conclusion of over the last month or so. In your life you will have many forks in the road, opportunities to go one way or the other. While it makes more sense to believe that one way is the "right way" and the other will lead to ultimate doom, I dare take a different perspective. What if, they're both the "right one"?? What if both will get you to the destination you (or God) desires? Is it possible that both will be the "right choice" and both, carrying their own sets of challenges, promises and blessings, will in fact get you to where you need to be; and somehow you have been entrusted with the glorious option of simply choosing which to take based solely on your preference?? I believe so. 

Yes, I think sometimes we are faced with two options and one is clearly a better choice and the other may lead down some serious trials, but more often than not I think we find ourselves in the Two Good Paths scenario. I believe God has a plan. I like to think of my life as a maze of sorts - sometimes I feel completely lost and I feel as though I'm turning aimlessly, while other times I see a turn up ahead that makes total and complete sense and I know for certain I'm going to make it through okay. There are countless times when I face a decision of turning right or left and in all reality, they will both get me to the end; one may take longer, have a few more crazy turns, but if I'm still seeking God, still living my life the way I know to be true, then I'll make it out alive and well. 

I just think it's incredible that God, the maker of all I know to be true, trusts me. Because that's what all this is about. We get ourselves into these situations and we immediately seek God through prayer and get all sorts of anxious when we don't hear a definitive yes or no. Honestly, I kind of love when God does this. It's a bigger leap of faith for me to trust in myself than it is to trust in God. That's worded kind of silly so let me explain, when I hear from God, I know for certain it's God and I listen and obey. When I don't hear from God, it freaks me out. Let's just be honest, at a certain point you have to be willing to trust that God trusts you. Making a choice because God says as opposed to making it based on what God has taught you through the years is just easier, in my opinion. 

Take this all with a grain of salt, but this is simply what has been on my heart and I just wanted to share. If you feel like you're at a fork, and you're not really hearing a yes or no from God, just know that He hasn't left you, He's standing by your side and He trusts you. With Him there is no wrong way; if you're seeking out His dreams for your life then you will get there. Don't give up and believe in who He has created you to be. You can do anything you set your heart to. ( and there was much rejoicing!)



  1. this is so encouraging. i'm going through this one big decision in my life whether i should move back to cali and how and when i should do it... or should i stay here in vegas? and both sounds so good but they both have their own obstacles. i would like to see which one i chose and how God will put the challenges. anyway, this really made me feel a bit better about today now. really.

  2. thanks for this!
    currently facing decisions in my life, it really makes me feel better to consider that neither option will be a huge mistake.

  3. I could have written this post (although probably not as beautifully); I couldn't agree with you more! I think fear of failure gets in the way of remember that God is always faithful. He allows us the free will to make decisions in life because he's not insecure about whether or not he'll leave us, rather, he just wants us to learn to trust him and know he'll be there. No matter where we are in life, he can teach us, use us, bless us. I think he likes it when we take risks.

  4. Melisa, you always seem to say the right thing at the right time <3

    But just a quick question, and it may seem silly, but how do you know that God is the One guiding your paths?


  5. Sarah, that's not a silly question at all. For me, when I pray that God would tell me what to do in a certain situation, I ask that He open doors where doors should be open and close them where they should be closed. At times when this doesn't occur, I pray that He just give me peace about the decision I'm leaning towards, and yes, this will always occur, because God is a God of Peace. He is not a God of chaos, confusion, anxiousness or worry, with God, there is always peace.

    In my last fork, I struggled with deciding whether I should take a specific job. I ended up accepting the position in spite of my reluctancy, but as I started the job I had peace and knew it was where I was supposed to be for this time. This feeling was only confirmed when I was able to invite a co worker to church - she not only went, but brought her family, and has given her life to God - becoming a completely changed person. I got to be a part of that because I took a road that seemed unlikely, but God gave me peace about. I'm completely grateful!

    Hope that answered your question! Let me know if you have any more, or would like to talk. You can always email me at Melisaholguin@gmail.com too:)

  6. Thank you so much for those words of encouragement. I've been struggling with a decision I have to make soon. I haven't heard a definite answer from God or haven't felt him pushing me in a certain direction. It's been really frustrating, but when I read this post it's helping me to think of it from another perspective. I feel much more at peace now that I know that whichever I choose as long as I'm still seeking God everything will work out the way He wants.

  7. This is soooo so true...I really needed to hear this!
    I came across your blog and loved it, and now I'm totally hooked when I see you're talking about "God stuff." I'm definitely a new follower! :)
    If you have the time, I'd love for you to check out my blog and follow! :)

    Taylor {CoverGirl and Converse}

  8. what a great post! The picture is amazing too!

    xo Jessica
