
a day on the road

Last weekend the mr and I took a little road trip to see his mama and her pups! Her and her husband breed maltese and they are just the sweetest!! Luckily, we went to visit when they had a brand new litter that I got to hold (for only a little while)! It was perfection. Spending time with family is always fun & car rides with your best friend are the best.

I have the entire day off today, so I'm hoping (fingers crossed) to not only get a lot done, but to reopen the shop! I have so much I need to update, but hopefully by tonight there should be some new lovelies in there! hooray!



  1. Oh those puppies are soooooo sweet! Sounds like an awesome day! xoxo

  2. road trips and puppies!!? That sounds like a perfect day. :)

  3. oh my goodness gracious! so do you have a pup of your own then or no?

    they are the cutest, look at that really brand new one :o

    i have an apricot bichon-poo, he's my best little guy in the world
