
a new camera

I bought a Nikon D90. I've been saving up for quite some time and the mr bought me my lens for my birthday, so all I needed was the body. I decided to go for it and I couldn't be happier with it. It's SO much better than my previous camera, though I will always love my little Sony. I still have much to learn, but I'm pleased with my new baby. Above are a few shots I took on my drive home from the camera shop. 

I've also been really interested in finding a bag for it and getting a pretty strap! I've considered making my own, after seeing some of these way cute ideas...

found at Design Love Fest

found at Sketch42

If you happen to know of any good DIY's or shops that sell pretty bags or straps, let me know! Thanks so much!



  1. Oooh how exciting. Congrats.
    I too have been looking for a new strap for my camera or even a DIY so I'd love to know what you find.

    And I also had the same problem with finding a camera bag. I did end up finding one I love (I posted about it here: http://madnessandi.blogspot.com.au/2012/07/my-new-camera-bag.html) but I think I'd also love to find some way to protect it but be able to put it in my handbag. Sometimes I don't feel like carrying around my big camera bag and have little room for all the other crap I carry.

    Anyway. Yay for new camera!!
    XO Samantha

  2. I found these for cute camera straps! :) http://www.bloglovin.com/frame?post=542112831&frame_type=a&blog=779944&link=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5zZmdpcmxieWJheS5jb20vMjAxMi8wOC8yNC9zbmFwcHktc3RyYXBzLw
