
ch ch ch changes

Lately I've felt like I'm in a funk. Does that ever happen to you? I've had this little blog for three years now. I feel like it's grown and grown into something I never even dreamt of. I love it. I love blogging. I'm just trying to find my voice again. I know this sounds dramatic; it's not. I'm just sure you've noticed that it's been a bit quiet around here for the last few months. I want you to know that there's a process and I'm simply going through it. I think there's some exciting things in store for Pie N' the Sky, I'm just trying to figure out which way we're gonna go - reorganizing/prioritizing. This is exciting, but also kind of nerve wracking. I know it'll be worth it, but how many of you know that new beginnings can be scary? I hope you all will bare with me, as I truly do believe the start of something great is just around the corner. Thanks.

xo. Melisa


  1. Just take your time, pretty lady! I can't wait to see the blog pick back up :)
    xo Heather

  2. Anonymous25.8.12

    Beautiful photo

  3. I really enjoy all the posts you come up with and as you can tell so do all your other readers =] You even inspired me a while back to do a post just like your 7 things post! We all cant wait to see pie n the sky do bigger and badder things! shake the funk and do great things gal!
