
fall favorites

I'm not sure where you live or what the weather has been like in your neck of the woods, but here in Texas it's feeling more and more like Fall every day! I love love it! I'm so excited that I put together a few new looks I can't wait to sport this upcoming season! 
LOOK ONE  //  This is a great transition piece. Here in my hometown it's still a bit humid, so I would throw this on and maybe a light sweater and enjoy some thrifting or lunch with the mr. on a sunny day!

LOOK TWO  //  This look still has all of the light and pretty colors of Spring which I love! I love it because it would work on a more sunny day, but throw some tights on and grab a cardigan and you're all set or a day out with your girlfriends!

LOOK THREE  //  Who doesn't love an animal on their sweater?? This look is probably my fave because I'm pretty low maintenance when it comes to getting ready. I like looks that make it seem like I worked hard to achieve, without actually having to work hard to achieve, ha! Anybody else with me? This look would be perfect for running errands or sitting at your local coffee shop with your laptop!

LOOK FOUR  //  This look is a little darker and perfect for a movie date with your Mr. It's comfy, but still classy, which I'm all about! I love a comfortable outfit that still looks great.

LOOK FIVE  //  This look is clearly the classiest and perfect for a special date night. I love to dress up just as much as the next girl and this outfit is perfection. I love simple with pops of color. 

What outfit best suits your personality? Is there anything you absolutely cannot wait to start wearing this upcoming season?? I've already started to pull out my scarves and sweaters! haha! I just can't wait!

xo. Melisa

footnote: I made these using polyvore. feel free to visit and see some of my other collections!


  1. I just got a skirt like that red one except for its black! I really like in red though, I hadn't seen that anywhere before. Yay Fall!!

  2. One and three are beyond fantastic!!! LOVE!
    xo Heather

  3. Look 1 is oh so Gorgeous!

    I love your blog and your posts, been looking around:)

    Shubhi's Revels!

  4. your style is amazing <3 I love all the combinations~ (I want these clothes in my closet!)

  5. LOVE these looks! So cute x

  6. Can someone please tell me what's the brand of the jeans in picture four? I saw a girl with them and I loved them!!
    Love your blog :)
    Kisses from Portugal
